
Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis certain


Complaining of cough and breathlessness, quarry worker by occupation.

Patient Data

Age: 35
Gender: Male

Conglomerate mass like fibrotic areas are seen in bilateral upper lobes with traction prominence of bilateral hila. Multiple well defined centrilobular nodular opacities are seen in bilateral lungs more marked in upper lobes. Multifocal areas of ground glass haziness seen in both lung fields.

Minimal loculated left pleural effusion with pleural thickening. Enlarged partially calcified mediastinal, bilateral hilar and supraclavicular lymph nodes.

Trachea and major bronchi are normal. Heart and great vessels of mediastinum are normal. No evidence of right pleural/ pericardial effusion seen.

Visualised spine is normal. Visualised upper abdomen is grossly normal.

Case Discussion

Progressive massive fibrosis, centrilobular nodules, calcified lymph nodes are all suggestive of silicosis with the appropriate history. 

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