Spheno-orbital meningioma

Case contributed by Mohamed Salah Ayyad
Diagnosis almost certain


Right-sided proptosis and blurring of vision

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

An extra-axial space-occupying lesion is noted based on the right sphenoid wing. The lesion displays an intermediate signal in both T1 and T2 WIs, and a high signal in FLAIR images. In the diffusion study, the lesion shows no diffusion restriction. Following contrast administration, it shows intense homogenous enhancement with enhancing dural tail. An associated mass effect is seen in the form of mild vasogenic oedema and minimal effacement of the ipsilateral frontal horn of the lateral ventricle. The lesion shows intra-orbital extension through the optic canal compressing the optic nerve. Inside the orbit, it is seen in the extra-conal space. An associated hyperostosis of the right sphenoid wing and minimal forward displacement of the right eye globe are also noted.

Annotated image

Annotated images describing the tumour's extension and relations:

  • the intra-orbital extension of the tumour (white arrowhead) is seen compressing the optic nerve (yellow arrow)

  • the enhancing lesion based on the sphenoid wing (green arrowhead) is seen extending into the orbit through the optic canal (red arrowhead)

Case Discussion

Spheno-orbital meningiomas are difficult tumours to manage due to the post-operative risk of visual loss. The risk of visual loss may occur as a result of surgery or tumour progression. Hyperostosis, dural invasion and extension into the orbit through either the optic canal or the superior orbital fissure are all features of spheno-orbital meningioma.

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