Splenic infarction

Case contributed by Safwat Mohammad Almoghazy
Diagnosis certain


A case of hairy-cell leukemia complaining of left upper abdominal pain.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

The spleen demonstrates evidence of splenomegaly (about 18 cm in bipolar diameter) and a peripheral hypoechoic area in its inferior pole, predominantly wedge-shaped region, with no blood flow was seen within, in keeping with splenic infarction.

Case Discussion

This patient is known to have leukemia, who is at high risk of splenic infarction having severe left upper abdominal pain and the referring physician also suspected splenic infarction.

The spleen demonstrated the classic ultrasound appearance of a splenic infarction: a hypoechoic, wedge-shaped defect and devoid blood within it. There was no evidence of other causes of the left-sided pain such as pancreatitis or urinary tract pathology.

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