Squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa

Case contributed by Saad Ahmed Saad Hassan
Diagnosis certain


Exophytic craggy ulcerated indurated mucosa of right mandible

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Male

There is a necrotic mass centered on the right mandibular alveolus approximately 25 mm from the symphysis. This has destroyed the mandibular alveolus although the inferior mandibular cortex does remain intact. Laterally the tumor extends close to the skin and there is associated skin thickening/edema.

There are pathological necrotic lymph nodes in the right levels 1A and 1B measuring up to 23 mm. A small but partially necrotic right level 2A node is almost certainly involved. No other cervical adenopathy.

Case Discussion

T4N2B SCC right buccal mucosa and mandible.

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