Submandibular haemangioma

Case contributed by Doaa Faris Jabaz
Diagnosis probable


Submandibular painless swelling.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female

A well-defined, lobulated submandibular mass lesion with no invasion to the surrounding soft tissue plane, of predominantly high signal intensity on T2 weight images with low signal phleboliths. Mild to moderate inhomogeneous enhancement is noted on the post-contrast T1 sequence.


lobulated soft-tissue mass was seen measuring 34.5mm CC x 32mm TRA x 34mm AP maximum dimensions, relatively iso-attenuating to muscle on the non-contrast scan with few calcified foci within. After contrast administration, it shows moderate progressive enhancement.

Targeted US (not shown) was done and revealed a heterogeneously hypoechoic right submandibular region mass with serpiginous, sinusoidal anechoic spaces and echogenic phleboliths within, low-velocity flow detected on Doppler interrogation.

Case Discussion

Features are suggestive of right submandibular space slow flow venous malformation/soft tissue haemangioma. These are benign vascular soft tissue tumours with a greater female predilection.

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