Testicular torsion

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis certain


Right hemiscrotal pain followed by swelling for the last 9 hours.

Patient Data

Age: 15 years
Gender: Male

The left testis shows the elongated shape and smaller volume. However, it shows normal echopattern and vascularity.

The right testis is oedematous with altered echopattern. There is no parenchymal flow. The right spermatic cord is oedematous in the right hemiscrotum with the presence of twisting.


The intraoperative photo shows a twisted right spermatic cord. The is testis is enlarged and bluish coloured. 2nd photo is after the detorsion of the cord.

Case Discussion

An adolescent presented with sudden onset of right hemiscrotal pain followed by swelling. Ultrasound shows oedematous right testis with altered echopattern. There is no parenchymal flow in the right testis. The right spermatic cord shows oedematous and shows a whirlpool sign. Ultrasound findings favour the right testicular torsion. The left testis is smaller in size and more elongated than normal. It shows normal parenchymal echopattern and vascularity.

Surgery was done within the next two hours. It revealed twisted right spermatic cord and secondary testicular torsion.

Orchiopexy was done for undescended left testis in early childhood. This explains smaller left testis with an elongated shape.

Intraoperative photos courtesy Dr. Niraj Patel. Dr. Shailesh Thoria.

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