Tibial plateau fracture

Case contributed by Kevan English
Diagnosis certain


Left knee pain following a motor vehicle collision.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

Comminuted displaced intra-articular fracture involving the lateral and medial tibial plateau. The lateral tibial plateau fracture fragment is displaced measuring 0.9 cm. The medial tibial plateau articular surface is displaced 0.7 cm. A few intra-articular bodies measure as large as 1.1 cm. There is lipohaemarthrosis. Lateral coronal subluxation femur on tibia. Soft tissue swelling adjacent to the fracture site.

Comminuted fracture inferior pole patella, displacement up to 8 mm.

Case Discussion

This represents a case of tibial plateau fracture.

Treatment included spanning external fixation of the left knee and pain control.

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