Tibial plateau fracture - Schatzker 2

Case contributed by Kevan English
Diagnosis certain


Left knee pain and tenderness following motor vehicle collision.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

Acute depressed fracture of the left tibial plateau.

Questionable nondisplaced fracture of the lateral femoral condyle versus overlying artifact (favored).

Lipohemarthrosis of the left knee.

Ossific density adjacent to the distal fibula favoring chronic in nature.

Case Discussion

Tibial plateau fracture can occur from stress (excessive activity) or an already compromised bone (such as cancer or infection) 1. Most, however, are a result of trauma injuries such as this case. There are six known types of tibial plateau fracture as classified by the Schatzker system 2.

The patient was treated with open reduction internal fixation with lateral plates and screw transfixion. Pain control, antibiotics, and physical therapy ensued as the subsequent treatment plan.

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