Tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis certain


The patient fell off a stepladder and presented with left knee swelling, bruising and inability to weight bare.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Female

Features consistent with a left tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture injury. There is pretibial soft tissue swelling, an expected high riding patella (patella Alta), supra and infra patellar bursal distension and likely effusion/haemarthrosis. There is background osteopenia and degenerative change. The contralateral and asymptomatic right knee is intact.

The limited portable, supine, post-operative image confirms open reduction and internal fixation of the tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture injury. There are two, somewhat perpendicular, partially-threaded, cannulated, cancellous screws with washers fixating the tibial tuberosity. There is a supporting knee brace in situ.

Case Discussion

This elderly patient lost her balance and fell off a step ladder and landed with force (violently) and hence sustained the tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture. She underwent open reduction and internal fixation a few days later and had an unremarkable post-operative period.

Tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture injuries are rare injuries often sustained during landing from a jump or jumping from a fixed foot. Basketball is the most common sporting activity during which these types of avulsion injuries are sustained. Theoretically, any sporting activity that requires jumping/ landing may represent a source of the mechanism of injury including parachuting, hand gliding, jumping sports(triple jump, long jump, pole vaulting, high jump) etc. 

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