Tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma

Case contributed by Sally Louise Ayesa
Diagnosis certain


Palpable right neck lump. Biopsy found squamous cell carcinoma. For completion of staging and evaluation for a primary site.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Male


Nuclear medicine

PET-CT confirms multiple enlarged, FDG avid right upper cervical lymph nodes involving the level 2A, 2B and 3 stations. Linear uptake overlying a large node may relate to tumour extension (?neurovascular) or inflammation. No additional sites of locoregional or distant lymphadenopathy are identified.

Case Discussion

PET-CT can be useful in assisting with identifying the location of a primary tumour, particularly if a patient presents with signs and symptoms relating to nodal or more distant metastatic disease. In this case, the nodal metastases were detected before the right tonsillar primary tumour, with its location identified only at the time of the PET scan.

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