Urinary bladder haematoma

Case contributed by Levon Davtyan
Diagnosis certain


Urinary bladder cancer? Used anticoagulant drugs.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

There is a hyperdense (65 HU) non-enhanced area in the bladder with the greatest dimension of 9.0 cm – typical of blood density. There are no tumour lesions visible in the bladder. There are no infiltrative changes in paravesical space.

The prostate gland is markedly enlarged, with 180 ml volume, with intravesical protrusion of 1.8 cm (III grade).

Case Discussion

Large urinary bladder haematoma. Also marked prostatomegaly with intravesical protrusion.

Surgery done the same day confirmed the diagnosis of urinary bladder haematoma without any tumour lesions.

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