Warthin tumour

Case contributed by Ammar Ashraf
Diagnosis certain


Smoker with right facial swelling for 6 months. Gradually increasing in size and associated with mild pain.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male

A well-defined heterogenous low echogenicity lesion measuring approximately 2.4 x 4.8 cm is seen within the right parotid gland. No calcifications are seen in it. No significant internal vascularity is seen in it on colour Doppler ultrasound examination. A few small lymph nodes are seen in the left parotid gland; however, no suspicious focal lesion is seen in the left parotid gland.

US guided FNAC


Ultrasound guided FNAC of the right parotid lesion.

Histopathology report


Histopathology report of the right parotid lesion showing Warthin tumour (benign).

Case Discussion

Well-defined heterogenous low echogenicity lesion within the right parotid gland, which is likely a Warthin tumour, which was later confirmed by the histopathology. The patient has been seen by the surgeon and scheduled for its excision.

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