1/ Even attendings have to use google sometimes! Never be afraid to do whatever it takes to get the right diagnosis.
A thread about an interesting spine case that I gasped, “What the…” when I opened it. 

2/ Older pt w/lower extremity numbness.  MRI showed intradural, extra-axial rounded lesions in the lower thoracic region that avidly enhanced on post-contrast imaging—like gang busters enhancement

3/ On the T2 weighted images, the lesions showed a very distinct donut-like appearance, with a very dark, almost black rim and a bright center.

4/ On contrast imaging, the donuts were connected as twisty, tubular structures—my fellow said they looked like crinkle fries! (and yes, I know McDonald’s doesn’t serve crinkle fries as illustrated, but it’s just an illustration—there aren’t fries in the spine either 1)

5/ Tubular sounds like a vessel!  And these did empty out into the neural foramina.  But the spinal angio was negative for a vascular lesion (not all images shown—normal studies don’t make for good twitter images)

6/ These are intradural varices!  B/c of slow flow, they may not fill on angiography & lose their flow void centrally—causing the “donut sign.” Etiology is unclear, but likely acquired.
So the next time you see a donut & fries in the spine—you can be sure to get the right diagnosis


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