Wrist - Bones

Playlist contributed by Daniel Teh
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Case 1: Scaphoid fracture
Case 2: Scaphoid fracture
Case 3: Old Scaphoid fracture with AVN. Remember about scaphoid blood supply

Case 4: Kienbock. AVN of the lunate. Paediatric case

Remember XR to look for intralesional calcifications not well demonstrated /hard to see on MRI
Case 5: Enchondroma 1st MC. Atypical lipoma about 1st MC as thenar lump.

Case 6: Hand septic arthritis and osteomyelitis.
Florid oedema throughout the carpal bones extending to the bases of the metacarpals. Thickened synovium along the extensor compartments. Think infection first. Could be inflammatory arthritis. Need clinical correlation.

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