Search results for “bone contusion”

27 results

Bone bruise

Bone bruises (also known as bone contusion, trabecular microfracture) are an osseous injury that results from compression of bone structures. Pathology Bone bruises represent trabecular microfractures with hemorrhage and without a discrete fracture line or contour abnormality 4. They typically...

Patterns of bone bruise in knee injury

The pattern of bone bruise in knee injuries (a.k.a. bone contusion) can give clues for the mechanism and associated injuries.  Radiographic features Five classic bone contusion patterns have been described 1-4: pivot-shift injury valgus stress to flexed and externally rotated knee contusion...

Contrecoup injury (knee)

A contrecoup injury of the knee is a bone contusion of the posterior lip of the medial tibial plateau. It occurs during knee reduction after a pivot shift injury and is highly associated with ACL tears 1, and peripheral tear or meniscocapsular separation of the medial meniscus posterior horn 2. ...

Posterior ankle impingement syndrome

Posterior ankle impingement (PAI) syndrome is one of the impingement syndromes involving the ankle. Epidemiology It is usually a unilateral phenomenon. Bilateral posterior ankle impingement syndrome has been described but is rare 5. It is classically described in ballet dancers. Clinical pres...

Bone marrow edema

Bone marrow edema is the term given to abnormal fluid signals seen within the bone marrow on MRI. It is a non-specific yet important imaging finding, usually indicating the presence of underlying pathology. Terminology The term edema was coined on MRI as the signal in abnormal bone marrow is s...

Meniscal contusion

Meniscal contusion refers to a form of meniscal injury where there is no overt tear or gross disruption. They usually occur from flexion injuries with compression of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus between the femoral condyle and the tibia. Radiographic features MRI In the setting o...

Posterior cruciate ligament tear

Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tears are less common than anterior cruciate ligament tears.  Epidemiology Posterior cruciate ligament tears account for ~10% (range 2-23%) of all knee injuries 2.  Associations Posterior cruciate ligament injuries are isolated in only 30% of cases and are t...

Posterolateral corner injury of the knee

Posterolateral corner (PLC) injury of the knee can occur in isolation or with other internal derangements of the knee, particularly cruciate ligament tears. The importance of injuries to the posterolateral ligamentous complex lies in the possible long-term joint instability and cruciate graft fa...

Patellofemoral instability

Patellofemoral instability is the where the patella does not remain in the trochlear groove during normal knee range of motion. Epidemiology Most patients with patellar instability are young and active individuals, especially females in their second decade 2. Incidence is ~25 (range 6-77) per ...

Anterior cruciate ligament tear

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are the most common knee ligament injury encountered in radiology and orthopedic practice. Epidemiology The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the most commonly disrupted ligament of the knee, especially in athletes who participate in sports that involve...

Distal tibiofibular syndesmosis injury

Distal tibiofibular syndesmosis injuries are a relatively frequent ankle injury, although less common than a fracture or lateral ankle sprain. They are estimated to comprise ~10% (range 1-20%) of ankle injuries.  Epidemiology Associations anterior talofibular ligament injury fracture / bone ...

Dorsal intercalated segment instability

Dorsal intercalated segment instability (DISI) is a form of carpal instability featuring dorsal tilt of the lunate. It occurs mainly after the disruption of the scapholunate ligament and is more often encountered than volar intercalated segment instability (VISI). Clinical presentation radial ...

Anomalous insertion of the medial meniscus

Anomalous insertion of the medial meniscus (AIMM) is an anatomical variation of the insertion of the anterior root of the medial meniscus.   Terminology Defined as a congenital variation in the insertion of the anterior root of the medial meniscus onto the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The...

Muscle contusion

A muscle contusion (a.k.a. muscle bruising or bruise) is a form of muscle injury usually due to direct impact and associated with intramuscular hemorrhage. Epidemiology Muscle contusions are common injuries and are more frequently seen in males 1,2. In athletes, muscle contusions are the most ...

Quadriceps injury

Quadriceps injuries are injuries affecting the quadriceps muscle or quadriceps tendon and comprise a spectrum of strains, tears, avulsion and contusions up to the quadriceps tendon rupture. Epidemiology Quadriceps injuries are common injuries in athletes and the quadriceps muscle is often affe...

Burst fracture

Burst fractures are a type of compression fracture related to high-energy axial loading spinal trauma that results in disruption of a vertebral body endplate and the posterior vertebral body cortex. Retropulsion of posterior cortex fragments into the spinal canal is frequently included in the de...

Depressed skull fracture

Depressed skull fractures result in the bone of the skull vault being folded (depressed) inward into the cerebral parenchyma. It is usually the result of a high energy impact to the skull. Pathology These mostly (~75%) occur in the frontoparietal region 3. Associations There are a number of ...

Valgus extension overload syndrome

Valgus extension overload syndrome, also known as pitcher's elbow, refers to a constellation of symptoms and pathologies commonly seen in overhead throwing athletes secondary to high repetitive tensile, shear and compressive forces generated by the overhead throwing motion. The syndrome may cor...

Rectus femoris muscle injury

Rectus femoris muscle injuries are muscle injuries, which encompass contusions, strains, tears and avulsions of the rectus femoris muscle.  Epidemiology Rectus femoris muscle injuries are a common injury in athletes, especially in football/soccer players 1. The rectus femoris muscle is most fr...

Posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow

Posterolateral rotatory instability (PLRI) of the elbow is the most common pattern of elbow instability, most commonly seen following posterior elbow dislocation 1. It is characterized by 2-4: posterolateral subluxation/dislocation of the radial head relative to the capitellum posterior displa...

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