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1,192 results

Rectus sheath hematoma

Rectus sheath hematomas, as the term implies, occur when a hematoma forms in the rectus abdominis muscle/rectus sheath. It is most common in its lower segment and is generally self-limiting. Epidemiology Rectus sheath hematomas are more common in women with a 3:1 F:M ratio. Clinical presentat...


Proptosis (rare plural: proptoses) refers to forward protrusion of the globe with respect to the orbit. Proptosis can be relative (to the contralateral eye), comparative (to a prior measurement of the same eye), or absolute (based on normal population reference values). Terminology Exophthalmo...

Pediatric chest (lateral view)

The pediatric lateral chest view may be performed as an adjunct to a frontal chest radiograph in cases where there is diagnostic uncertainty. Indications The lateral chest view examines the lungs, bony thoracic cavity, mediastinum, and great vessels. Lateral radiographs can be particularly use...

MRI reporting guidelines for cervical cancer

MRI reporting guidelines for cervical cancer help maintain uniformity of reports and assessment of important imaging staging criteria. Tumor size The tumor should be measured in three orthogonal planes. Tumors with a maximum diameter >4 cm are usually not amenable to primary radical surgery. ...

MR defecating proctography

MR defecating proctography is a dynamic study for evaluation of the pelvic floor and pelvic organ prolapse. Phases There are four phases of evaluation: rest squeeze strain (Valsalva) defecation/evacuation Method of evaluation Many variations in the techniques described below exist. Pati...

Long head of biceps brachii tendon sheath injection (technique)

Long head of biceps brachii (LHB) tendon sheath injections under ultrasound guidance ensure accurate delivery of injectate, which is important as these injections are often performed for diagnostic purposes.    Indications pain diagnostic injection alternative access to the glenohumeral join...

Bowing fracture

Bowing fractures are incomplete fractures of tubular long bones in pediatric patients (especially the radius and ulna) that often require no intervention and heal with remodeling. Epidemiology Bowing fractures are almost exclusively found in children. However, there have been several case repo...

Asherman syndrome

Asherman syndrome, also known as uterine synechiae, is a condition characterized by the formation of intrauterine adhesions, which are usually sequela from injury to the endometrium and is often associated with infertility. Epidemiology There is a tendency for the condition to develop soon aft...

T2 weighted image

T2 weighted image (T2WI) is one of the basic pulse sequences on MRI. The sequence weighting highlights differences on the T2 relaxation time of tissues. Summary repetition time (TR): long echo time (TE): long flip angle: less important than with T1 weighting fat: intermediate-bright fluid:...

Levene index

The Levene index or ventricular index is a marker of ventricular size in infants. It is defined as the distance between the falx and the lateral wall of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle in the coronal plane 1.   Usage The Levene index is a marker of ventricular volume and thus can be...

Rectal cancer protocol (MRI)

MRI protocol for rectal cancer is a group of MRI sequences put together for imaging staging of primary tumors of the rectum and assessment of response following neoadjuvant therapy. Modified versions of the protocol may also be used for the assessment of local recurrence. Note: This article is ...

Right atrial enlargement

Right atrial (RA) enlargement is less common, and harder to delineate on chest radiograph, than left atrial (LA) enlargement. Pathology Etiology Enlargement of the right atrium (RA) can result from a number of conditions, including: raised right ventricular pressures pulmonary arterial hype...

General topography of the abdomen

To facilitate clinical description, the general topography of the abdomen is divided into four quadrants or nine regions by lines on the surface of the anterior abdominal wall. The four quadrants are created by vertical and horizontal lines passing through the umbilicus, whereas the nine regions...

Retroaortic anomalous coronary sign (echocardiography)

The retroaortic anomalous coronary (RAC) sign describes the sonographic appearance of an anomalous left coronary artery traveling posteriorly to the aortic root. It is most commonly observed with anomalous origin of the left circumflex artery from the right sinus of Valsalva, but is also describ...


The orthopantomogram (also known as an orthopantomograph, pantomogram, OPG or OPT) is a panoramic single image radiograph of the mandible, maxilla and teeth. It is often encountered in dental practice and occasionally in the emergency department; providing a convenient, inexpensive and rapid way...

Patellofemoral arthroplasty

Patellofemoral arthroplasties (PFA) are orthopedic procedures where the patella and femoral trochlear articular surface are replaced by prostheses 1. This differs from unicompartmental knee arthroplasties, which replace the medial or lateral articular surface of the knee 1. Globally, PFAs make u...

Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Center score

The Brain and Spinal Injury Center (BASIC) score is a classification system for grading acute traumatic spinal cord injury based on the axial extent of intramedullary signal abnormality on T2 weighted MRI. Classification The BASIC score is an ordinal scale that is graded 0 to 4 1: BASIC 0 (no...

Cardiac MRI (an approach)

A cardiac MRI can be a more or less frequent examination faced in daily practice also depending on the institution. In general radiological practices and institutions other than cardiac imaging centers, cardiac MRI examinations are not necessarily gladly enlisted into the appointment schedule pa...

Complex meniscal tear

Complex meniscal tears extend in more than one plane, and can in turn create separate flaps of meniscus.  Radiographic features MRI knee The mensical tear usually includes a combination of radial, horizontal, and longitudinal components (any two or all three). Often the meniscus substance app...

Gluteus minimus/medius calcific tendinopathy barbotage (technique)

Gluteus minimus/medius calcific tendinopathy barbotage is a procedure performed under ultrasound guidance with the aim of reducing the bulk of tendon calcification, in a similar fashion to that performed for rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy.  Indications gluteus minimus/medius tendon calcifi...

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