Search results for “sternal fracture”

57 results found

Sternal and thoracic spine fractures

  Diagnosis certain
Jeremy Jones
Published 01 Mar 2010
77% complete

Blunt cardiac injury

Blunt cardiac injury (BCI) is most commonly the result of sudden deceleration or direct precordial impact and encompasses a spectrum of structural and functional cardiac derangements that may occur after trauma to the heart 7. Terminology While sometimes referred to with general terms such as ...

Scapular fracture

Scapula fractures are uncommon injuries, representing ~3% of all shoulder fractures. Epidemiology Associations Scapular fractures are often associated with other injuries due to the high energy trauma that is usually the underlying cause: clavicle fracture rib fracture sternal fracture sp...

Suspected physical abuse

Suspected physical abuse (SPA), also known as non-accidental injury (NAI) or inflicted injury, in infants and young children represents both ethical and legal challenges to treating physicians. Radiologists may be the first clinical staff to suspect non-accidental injuries when confronted with ...

Sternal body

The sternal body or gladiolus is the middle and largest of the three parts of the sternum.  It is formed by the fusion of four sternebrae which finish ossifying after puberty. Gross anatomy The sternal body is the longest of the three parts of the sternum and is widest near its lower end. It i...

Cervical spine fractures

Cervical spine fractures can occur secondary to exaggerated flexion or extension, or because of direct trauma or axial loading. Epidemiology Males are affected more commonly than females with a median age of injury of 56 years. Falls, motor vehicle collisions, pedestrian accidents, cycling and...

Buckle rib fracture

Buckle rib fractures are incomplete fractures involving only the inner cortex. They typically occur due to an anterior compressive force to the chest, most commonly during external cardiac massage, but can be seen following any such traumatic injury. Pathology Buckle rib fractures occur in all...

Sternal foramen

Sternal foramen (or perforated sternum) is a developmental variant of the sternum and results from incomplete fusion of the sternal ossification centers. They are common, occurring in approximately 5% of the population (range 4.3-6.7%). They are most commonly found in the inferior aspect of the ...

Minimal aortic injury

Minimal aortic injury (MAI) is a mild form of blunt traumatic aortic injury which are limited to the aortic intima and are recognized more frequently due to the use of high-resolution vascular imaging in trauma. Epidemiology Minimal aortic injuries account for 10-28% of all blunt traumatic aor...

Seatbelt syndrome

The seatbelt syndrome is the constellation of traumatic thoracic, abdominal and/or vertebral column injuries associated with three-point seatbelts 1,2: bowel perforation mesenteric tear sternal fracture lumbar spine fracture female breast trauma

Thoracic spine compression fractures

  Diagnosis certain
Bruno Di Muzio
Published 09 Sep 2015
92% complete

Thoracic multitrauma - extensive thoracic cage fractures

  Diagnosis certain
Dayu Gai
Published 01 Oct 2014
98% complete

Post-sternotomy complications

Post-sternotomy complications comprise a varied range of complications that can occur at varying intervals following a median sternotomy.  Epidemiology Complication rates for median sternotomy have been reported to range from 0.5-5% and mortality rates ranging from 7-80%. Pathology They are ...

Scapula comminuted fracture

  Diagnosis certain
Mohammad Osama Hussein Yonso
Published 12 Sep 2023
94% complete

Manubriosternal dislocation

Manubriosternal dislocation (or sternomanubrial dislocation) represents a range of dislocation injuries of the sternomanubrial joint. Terminology Joint dislocations are named according to the distal component in relation to the proximal bone. Thus, as the manubrium is superior to the sternum a...

Scapular fractures

  Diagnosis certain
Bruno Di Muzio
Published 03 Apr 2016
89% complete
CT X-ray

Scapular fracture

  Diagnosis certain
Liam Pugh
Published 26 Jul 2017
95% complete
X-ray CT

Fracture non-union

Fracture non-union describes the failure of normal fracture healing processes. Solid bone healing will not occur without further treatment or intervention. Terminology There is no consensus definition in the radiology or orthopedic literature, however, FDA (USA) defines it as a fracture with a...

Three column thoracic spine fracture

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 17 Mar 2017
89% complete

Buffalo pneumothorax

A buffalo pneumothorax (or buffalo chest) refers to the rare occurrence of bilateral pneumothoraces caused by an abnormal physical communication between the two pleural spaces. The pleuropleural communication is postulated to be in the anterior median chest where there is a loss of the normal an...

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