908 results

Question 45

Looser zones, also called Umbauzonen or Milkman lines, are characteristically seen in which of the following conditions?


Question 745

Which of the following features is NOT true about immunodeficiency-associated CNS lymphomas compared to sporadic primary CNS lymphoma? 


Question 776

Which of the following causes inferior rib notching? 


Years criteria for pulmonary embolism

The YEARS criteria is a diagnostic algorithm that determines the risk of pulmonary embolism (PE) derived from three items in the Wells score that are most predictive of PE1. Unlike the Wells score, it uses a variable D-dimer threshold based off clinical pre-test probability. The YEARS criteria i...

Primary hypercoagulable states

Primary hypercoagulable states are those situations where patients have laboratory (genetic) abnormalities resulting in clinical conditions that are associated with an increased risk of thrombosis (prothrombotic states) or have recurrent thrombosis without recognisable predisposing factors (thro...

Cotswolds-modified Ann Arbor classification

The Cotswolds-modified Ann Arbor classification is a lymphoma staging classification system for both Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. They came about in 1988 following recommended modifications to the Ann Arbor staging system after a meeting in Cotswold, England. This classification h...

Rai staging system for chronic lymphoid leukemia

The Rai staging system is one of the two staging systems adopted in assessment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). It comprises of stages 0 to IV and classifies chronic lymphocytic leukemia into low, intermediate and high-risk categories, which correspond with stages 0, I and II, and III and...

Neurotoxoplasmosis - concentric target sign

  Diagnosis certain
Yves Leonard Voss
Published 30 Aug 2019
95% complete

Acute erythroid leukemia

Acute erythroid leukemia (AML-M6 or AEL) is defined as a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with predominance of erythroid precursors. In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined AEL as a biopsy with ≥30% proerythroblasts and erythroid precursors that account for ≥80% of cellulari...

Question 2296

What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient with a pleural malignancy? 


Question 2214

A 40-year-old man presents with a 3-month history of erythema nodosum. Based on the chest X-ray, what is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2246

Which of the following entities is LEAST likely to present as a lobulated pachymeningeal mass?


Question 3089

Which imaging feature is most indicative of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) in the lungs?


Question 426

Which of the following bones undergoes fatty marrow conversion first? 


Question 477

Which tumor is the most common underlying cause of patients with autoimmune encephalitis?


Question 478

As a general rule, patients with antibodies causing autoimmune encephalitis (limbic encephalitis) which target intracellular antigens are more likely to...


Question 479

A 55-year-old woman, previously well, presents with 4-month history of rapid decline in cognitive function. She is imaged with an MRI.  What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 3020

Which of the following would be in keeping with a “myeloma defining” focal lesion on WB-MRI?


Question 3021

Which of the following is NOT a cause of diffuse bone marrow hypercellularity?


Question 1434

A 9 year old boy from South Sudan presents with a large pelvic mass and multiple enlarged abdominal and pelvic lymph nodes. A lymph node is biopsied, with histopathology demonstrating a high-grade B-cell lymphoma in keeping with Burkitt lymphoma. Which one of these parasites is associated with development of this condition?

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