Search results for “( "Gluteal Tendinopathy" OR Trochanteric+Bursitis OR Greater+Trochanteric+Pain+Syndrome)”

19 results found

Trochanteric bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis results from irritation of the trochanteric bursa. Terminology Previously trochanteric bursitis has been attributed as the major cause of lateral hip pain but now the term greater trochanteric pain syndrome is preferred because the most common cause of lateral hip pain is...

Trochanteric bursitis

  Diagnosis almost certain
Roberto Schubert
Published 18 Jun 2012
71% complete

Trochanteric bursitis

  Diagnosis probable
Ammar Haouimi
Published 28 Nov 2022
68% complete

Trochanteric bursitis - post traumatic

  Diagnosis almost certain
Ammar Haouimi
Published 20 Sep 2021
80% complete

Lesser trochanteric bursitis

  Diagnosis probable
Paresh K Desai
Published 09 Jul 2009
59% complete

Trochanteric syndrome

Trochanteric syndrome (greater trochanteric pain syndrome) refers to pain that originates from the lateral hip region. Terminology Bursitis is not necessarily present and the often-used term trochanteric bursitis is therefore not always appropriate 1. Epidemiology Trochanteric syndrome most ...

Trochanteric bursa

The trochanteric bursa, also known as the greater trochanteric bursa or, more specifically, the subgluteus maximus bursa, is the hip bursa located deep to the gluteus maximus muscle that is usually implicated in trochanteric bursitis. Gross anatomy The trochanteric bursa is located deep to the...


The femur (plural: femora) is the longest, most voluminous and strongest bone in the human body. Gross anatomy It is composed of the upper extremity, body and lower extremity and provides several muscular origins and insertions. Proximal portion The upper extremity is composed of the head, n...

Osteoarthritis of the hip

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip is the most common form of joint disorder of the hip, affecting primarily the articular cartilage of the hip joint and the surrounding tissues. Epidemiology The hip is the third most common joint affected by osteoarthritis after the knee and the hand 1. Women are...

Hip bursae

Hip bursae are synovial fluid-filled sacs around the hip region, including the greater trochanter of the femur. Bursae often facilitate movement and reduce friction where tendons or muscles pass over bony structures. Hip bursae can be either communicating or non-communicating with the hip joint ...

Polymyalgia rheumatica (musculoskeletal manifestations)

Musculoskeletal manifestations are the commonest presentation of polymyalgia rheumatica. Epidemiology Polymyalgia rheumatica is the most common inflammatory rheumatic condition in older adults 1. Associations giant cell arteritis Clinical presentation Patients typically present with 1: sh...

Greater trochanteric bursa injection (technique)

Greater femoral trochanteric bursa injections under ultrasound guidance ensure the injectate is accurately given into the bursa. The greater trochanteric bursa is the largest of the bursae surrounding the proximal femur, with the others including the subgluteus minimus and subgluteus medius burs...

Facet joint arthropathy

Facet joint arthropathy/arthrosis is a common cause of low back pain and is most commonly due to osteoarthritis. It occurs from facet joint chondral loss, osteophyte formation and hypertrophy of the articular processes that may cause spinal canal stenosis in severe cases. Facet joint arthropath...

Complications of total hip arthroplasty

Complications of total hip arthroplasty are common and it is essential for the radiologist to be aware of them in the assessment of radiographs of total hip replacements. Complications are many and can occur at various time intervals following the initial surgery: aseptic loosening: considered ...


Bursitis is denoted as inflammation of a bursa, a synovial membrane-lined space present overlying a number of joints. Bursitis may be acute or chronic, in the latter, calcifications at the bursal sites may be apparent on plain radiographs. MRI best illustrates the bursa and related pathology. S...

Abductor tendon tear and bursitis after total hip arthroplasty

  Diagnosis certain
Reto Sutter
Published 07 Apr 2015
95% complete

Calcific tendinitis of the gluteus medius muscle

  Diagnosis certain
Ahmed Abdrabou
Published 15 Mar 2019
95% complete

Greater trochanter pain syndrome

  Diagnosis certain
Tim Luijkx
Published 25 Aug 2015
92% complete

Greater trochanter pain syndrome

  Diagnosis almost certain
Heba Abdelmonem
Published 28 Jul 2021
74% complete

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