Items tagged “msk”

54 results


Gout is a crystal arthropathy due to deposition of monosodium urate crystals in and around the joints. Epidemiology Typically occurs in those above 40 years. There is a strong male predilection of 20:1, with this predilection more pronounced in younger and middle-aged adults. In the elderly, t...

Shoulder dislocation

The shoulder dislocation (more accurately termed a glenohumeral joint dislocation) involves separation of the humerus from the glenoid of the scapula at the glenohumeral joint. This article contains a general discussion on shoulder dislocation. For specific dislocation types please refer to the...

Subacromial-subdeltoid bursa

The subacromial-subdeltoid bursa (SASD), also simply known as the subacromial bursa, is a bursa within the shoulder that is simply a potential space in normal individuals. Gross anatomy found deep to the deltoid muscle and the coraco-acromial arch medially in close relation to the acromio-cla...

Elbow dislocation

Elbow dislocation is the second most common large joint dislocation in adults and the most common in children.  Epidemiology Elbow dislocations are common and account for 10-25% of all elbow injuries in the adult population 1. They are the most common dislocation in children 4. Associations ...

Joint effusion

A joint effusion is defined as an increased amount of fluid within the synovial compartment of a joint. There is normally only a small amount of physiological intra-articular fluid. Abnormal fluid accumulation can result from inflammation, infection (i.e. pus) or trauma and might be exudate, tr...

Pulled elbow syndrome

Pulled elbow (also known as nursemaid's elbow) is a subluxation of the radial head into the annular ligament, which usually spontaneously or easily reduces and rarely demonstrates abnormal radiographic features. If the clinical presentation is atypical, pulled elbow should be distinguished from ...

Osteochondritis dissecans of the talus

  Diagnosis certain
Matt Skalski
Published 31 Jan 2013
95% complete

Stress fracture of 4th metatarsal

  Diagnosis certain
Matt Skalski
Published 18 Jul 2013
91% complete

Intraarticular dislocation of the long head of biceps tendon

  Diagnosis certain
Matt Skalski
Published 23 Jul 2013
92% complete

Camurati-Engelmann disease (diaphyseal dysplasia)

  Diagnosis almost certain
Matt Skalski
Published 27 Sep 2013
74% complete
CT X-ray

Necrotizing fasciitis in a diabetic foot

  Diagnosis certain
Matt Skalski
Published 28 Sep 2013
88% complete

Tuberculous arthritis with Phemister triad

  Diagnosis almost certain
Matt Skalski
Published 12 Oct 2013
77% complete
X-ray CT

Osteoblastic metastases from prostate cancer

  Diagnosis almost certain
Matt Skalski
Published 26 Oct 2014
75% complete
Nuclear medicine X-ray


Anisotropy is an artifact encountered in ultrasound, notably in muscles and tendons during a musculoskeletal ultrasound. In musculoskeletal applications, the artifact may prompt an incorrect diagnosis of tendinosis or tendon tear. When the ultrasound beam is incident on a fibrillar structure su...


  Diagnosis certain
Matt A. Morgan
Published 30 Oct 2014
91% complete

Type II lunate with hamatolunate impingement

  Diagnosis certain
Matt A. Morgan
Published 31 Oct 2014
95% complete

Lateral talar process fracture

Lateral talar process fractures or snowboarder fractures are talus fractures that can mimic a lateral ankle sprain. It may be an isolated fracture or occur as a component of more complex ankle fractures. Mechanism The fracture occurs when the foot is dorsiflexed and inverted, as can happen wit...


Rhabdomyolysis describes the breakdown of striated muscles with the release of intracellular contents and represents a severe muscle injury. MRI is the imaging modality of choice. Rhabdomyolysis is potentially life-threatening although recovery is excellent with early treatment. Clinical presen...

Fifth metacarpal fracture

  Diagnosis certain
Derek Smith
Published 28 Jan 2015
91% complete

Osteochondroma - sessile

  Diagnosis certain
Matt Skalski
Published 07 Apr 2015
90% complete
MRI X-ray

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