Miliary nodules in the exam

Changed by Yuranga Weerakkody, 23 Jan 2015

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Getting a film withmiliary nodules in the exam is one is one of the many exam set-pieces that that can be prepared for.

The film goes up and after a couple of seconds pause, you need to start talking:

CXRChest radiograph

There are multiple tiny soft-tissue density nodules present throughout both lungs with an upper- and middle-zone predominance. The pattern of disease suggests an inhalational cause for the underlying pathology*.

I cannot see any calcified nodules and there are no large nodules or mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The pleural spaces are clear, as are the bones.

The differential diagnosis for miliary opacities is broad and includes TB and metastases.  Review Review of previous examinations would be helpful to determine the chonicity of the underlying disease process and highlight other co-existing pathology.

Features of infection would make pulmonary tuberculous more likely and I would highlight the result to the referring clinician to expedite respiratory expedite respiratory referral, further investigation and treatment.

Constitutional symptoms would also be compatible with TB, but also with pulmonary metastases which would also be high on the list of differentials - this is especially true if there is a history of malignancy**. Inhalational lung disease and pneumoconioses would be considered if there were appropriate clinical history.


* the effect of gravity on blood ensures more blood at the bases and more gas in the upper zones and apices. This ventilation-perfusion mismatch is responsible for the predominance of upper zone changes in inhalational disorders inhalational disorders and middle- and lower-zone predominance for blood-borne disease disease, e.g. haematogenous metastases.

** the pulmonary metastases that most commonly present as miliary opacities are:

See also

  • -<p>Getting a film with&#160;<strong>miliary nodules in the exam</strong>&#160;is&#160;one of the many&#160;<a href="/articles/exam-set-pieces" title="exam set-pieces ">exam set-pieces</a>&#160;that can be prepared for.</p><p><strong>The film goes up and after a couple of seconds pause, you need to start talking:</strong></p><h4>CXR</h4><p>There are multiple tiny soft-tissue density nodules present throughout both lungs with an upper- and middle-zone predominance. The pattern of disease suggests an inhalational cause for the underlying pathology<sup>*</sup>.&#160;</p><p>I cannot see any calcified nodules and there are no large nodules or mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The pleural spaces are clear, as are the bones.&#160;</p><p>The differential diagnosis for <a href="/articles/miliary_opacities" title="Miliary opacities">miliary opacities</a> is broad and includes TB and metastases. &#160;Review of previous examinations would be helpful to determine the chonicity of the underlying disease process and highlight other co-existing pathology.</p><p>Features of infection would make pulmonary tuberculous more likely and I would highlight the result to the referring clinician to&#160;expedite&#160;respiratory referral, further investigation and treatment.&#160;</p><p>Constitutional symptoms would also be compatible with TB, but also with <a href="/articles/pulmonary-metastases" title="Pulmonary metastases">pulmonary metastases</a> which would also be high on the list of differentials - this is especially true if there is a history of malignancy<sup>**</sup>. <a href="/articles/inhalational-lung-disease" title="Inhalational lung disease">Inhalational lung disease</a> and <a href="/articles/pneumoconiosis" title="Pneumoconioses">pneumoconioses</a> would be considered if there were appropriate clinical history.</p><h4>Notes</h4><p><sup>*</sup> the effect of gravity on blood ensures more blood at the bases and more gas in the upper zones and apices. This ventilation-perfusion mismatch is responsible for the predominance of upper zone changes in&#160;inhalational&#160;disorders and middle- and lower-zone predominance for blood-borne&#160;disease, e.g. haematogenous metastases.</p><p><sup>**</sup>&#160;the <a href="/articles/pulmonary-metastases" title="Pulmonary metastases">pulmonary metastases</a> that most commonly present as miliary opacities are:</p><ul><li><a href="/articles/thyroid-cancer" title="thyroid cancer">thyroid cancer</a></li><li><a href="/articles/ovarian-tumours" title="Ovarian cancer ">ovarian cancer</a></li><li><a href="/articles/renal-cancer" title="renal cancer">renal cancer</a></li><li><a href="/articles/breast-cancer" title="breast cancer">breast cancer</a></li><li><a href="/articles/melanoma" title="melanoma">melanoma</a></li><li><a href="/articles/pancreatic_neoplasms" title="Pancreatic neoplasms">pancreatic neoplasms</a></li><li><a href="/articles/osteosarcoma" title="Osteosarcoma">osteosarcoma</a> (calcified metastases)</li><li><a href="/articles/trophoblastic-disease" title="trophoblastic disease">trophoblastic disease</a></li></ul><h4>See also</h4><ul><li><a href="/articles/adult-chest-radiograph-in-the-exam-setting" title="Chest radiograph in the exam setting">chest radiograph in the exam setting</a></li></ul>
  • +<p>Getting a film with <strong>miliary nodules in the exam</strong> is one of the many <a href="/articles/exam-set-pieces">exam set-pieces</a> that can be prepared for.</p><p><strong>The film goes up and after a couple of seconds pause, you need to start talking:</strong></p><h4>Chest radiograph</h4><p>There are multiple tiny soft-tissue density nodules present throughout both lungs with an upper- and middle-zone predominance. The pattern of disease suggests an inhalational cause for the underlying pathology<sup>*</sup>. </p><p>I cannot see any calcified nodules and there are no large nodules or mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The pleural spaces are clear, as are the bones. </p><p>The differential diagnosis for <a href="/articles/miliary-opacities">miliary opacities</a> is broad and includes TB and metastases.  Review of previous examinations would be helpful to determine the chonicity of the underlying disease process and highlight other co-existing pathology.</p><p>Features of infection would make pulmonary tuberculous more likely and I would highlight the result to the referring clinician to expedite respiratory referral, further investigation and treatment. </p><p>Constitutional symptoms would also be compatible with TB, but also with <a href="/articles/pulmonary-metastases">pulmonary metastases</a> which would also be high on the list of differentials - this is especially true if there is a history of malignancy<sup>**</sup>. <a href="/articles/inhalational-lung-disease">Inhalational lung disease</a> and <a href="/articles/pneumoconiosis">pneumoconioses</a> would be considered if there were appropriate clinical history.</p><h4>Notes</h4><p><sup>*</sup> the effect of gravity on blood ensures more blood at the bases and more gas in the upper zones and apices. This ventilation-perfusion mismatch is responsible for the predominance of upper zone changes in inhalational disorders and middle- and lower-zone predominance for blood-borne disease, e.g. haematogenous metastases.</p><p><sup>**</sup> the <a href="/articles/pulmonary-metastases">pulmonary metastases</a> that most commonly present as miliary opacities are:</p><ul>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/thyroid-cancer">thyroid cancer</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/ovarian-tumours">ovarian cancer</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/renal-cancer">renal cancer</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/breast-cancer">breast cancer</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/melanoma">melanoma</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/pancreatic-neoplasms">pancreatic neoplasms</a></li>
  • +<li>
  • +<a href="/articles/osteosarcoma">osteosarcoma</a> (calcified metastases)</li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/trophoblastic-disease">trophoblastic disease</a></li>
  • +</ul><h4>See also</h4><ul><li><a href="/articles/adult-chest-radiograph-in-the-exam-setting">chest radiograph in the exam setting</a></li></ul>
Images Changes:

Image 1 X-ray (Frontal) ( update )

Caption was changed:
 Case 1: tuberculosis

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