Motor neuron diseases

Changed by Daniel J Bell, 2 Nov 2018

Updates to Article Attributes

Title was changed:
Motor neurone diseasediseases
Body was changed:

Motor neurone diseases (MND(MND) correspond to a group of neurological disorders that progressively destroy motor neurones, leading to increasing disability:

  • -<p><strong>Motor neurone diseases (MND)</strong> correspond to a group of neurological disorders that progressively destroy motor neurones, leading to increasing disability:</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Motor neurone diseases </strong>(<strong>MND</strong>) correspond to a group of neurological disorders that progressively destroy motor neurones, leading to increasing disability:</p><ul>

Updates to Synonym Attributes

Title was changed:
Motor neuron disease (MND)

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Motor neurone disease
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