Orbital apex

Changed by Craig Hacking, 2 Nov 2017

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The orbital apex refers to the posterior confluence of the orbit at the craniofacial junction, where nerves and vessels are transmitted from the intracranial compartment into the orbit via several bony apertures. It is also the point where the extra-ocular muscles derive their origins.


There are three bony apertures that permit the entry of neurovasculature in to the orbit:

The four recti extra-ocular muscles all originate from the orbital apex at the tendinous ring, surrounding the optic canal.

The key structures of the orbital apex have complex anatomical relations:

Related pathology
  • -<![endif]--><!--StartFragment-->The <strong>orbital apex</strong> refers to the posterior confluence of the orbit at the craniofacial junction, where nerves and vessels are transmitted from the intracranial compartment into the orbit via several bony apertures. It is also the point where the <a href="/articles/extra-ocular-muscles">extra-ocular muscles</a> derive their origins.<!--EndFragment--></p><h4>Contents</h4><p>There are three bony apertures that permit the entry of neurovasculature in to the orbit:</p><ul>
  • +<![endif]--><!--StartFragment-->The <strong>orbital apex</strong> refers to the posterior confluence of the <a title="Orbit" href="/articles/orbit">orbit</a> at the craniofacial junction, where nerves and vessels are transmitted from the intracranial compartment into the orbit via several bony apertures. It is also the point where the <a href="/articles/extra-ocular-muscles">extra-ocular muscles</a> derive their origins.<!--EndFragment--></p><h4>Contents</h4><p>There are three bony apertures that permit the entry of neurovasculature in to the orbit:</p><ul>
  • -</ul><p>The four extra-ocular muscles all originate from the orbital apex at the <a href="/articles/tendinous-ring">t</a><a href="file:///articles/tendinous-ring">endinous ring</a></p><p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
  • +</ul><p>The four recti extra-ocular muscles originate from the orbital apex at the <a href="/articles/tendinous-ring">t</a><a href="file:///articles/tendinous-ring">endinous ring</a>, surrounding the optic canal.</p><p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>

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