Ovarian artery

Changed by Henry Knipe, 7 Jan 2014

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The ovarian artery is a paired structure and are the main gonadal artery in females.

Gross anatomy


ArisesThe ovarian artery arises anterolaterally from the aorta just inferior to the renal arteries and superior to the inferior mesenteric artery. They are bilateral structures.

In 20%, they arise from the renal arteries.  Uncommonly may arise from adrenal, lumbar or internal iliac arteries.


Descends caudally in the retroperitoneum on psoas major with the gonadal vein and ureter. Passes into the pelvis anterior to the iliac vessels. In the pelvis it takes a medial path through the suspensory towards the uterus.  AnastomosesAnastomoses with the ovarian branch of the uterine artery at the uterus.

Supplying organs


Variant anatomy

In 20%, they arise from the renal arteries. Uncommonly may arise from adrenal, lumbar or internal iliac arteries.

Related pathology

The ovarian arteries sometimes

  • -<p>The <strong>ovarian artery </strong>is main gonadal artery in females.</p><h5><strong>Origin</strong></h5><p>Arises anterolaterally from the aorta just inferior to the renal arteries and superior to the inferior mesenteric artery. They are bilateral structures.</p><p>In 20%, they arise from the renal arteries.  Uncommonly may arise from adrenal, lumbar or <a href="/articles/internal-iliac-artery">internal iliac</a> arteries.</p><h5>Course</h5><p>Descends caudally in the retroperitoneum on psoas major with the gonadal vein and ureter.  Passes into the pelvis anterior to the iliac vessels.  In the pelvis it takes a medial path through the suspensory towards the <a href="/articles/uterus">uterus</a>.  Anastomoses with the ovarian branch of the <a href="/articles/uterine-artery">uterine artery</a> at the uterus.</p><h5>Supplying organs</h5><ul>
  • +<p>The <strong>ovarian artery </strong>is a paired structure and are the main <a title="gonadal artery" href="/articles/gonadal-artery">gonadal artery</a> in females.</p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><h5><strong>Origin</strong></h5><p>The ovarian artery arises anterolaterally from the aorta just inferior to the renal arteries and superior to the inferior mesenteric artery.</p><h5>Course</h5><p>Descends caudally in the <a title="retroperitoneum" href="/articles/retroperitoneum">retroperitoneum</a> on <a title="Psoas major" href="/articles/psoas-major-1">psoas major</a> with the <a title="Gonadal vein" href="/articles/gonadal-vein">gonadal vein</a> and <a title="ureter an" href="/articles/ureter-an">ureter</a>. Passes into the pelvis anterior to the iliac vessels. In the pelvis it takes a medial path through the suspensory towards the <a href="/articles/uterus">uterus</a>. Anastomoses with the ovarian branch of the <a href="/articles/uterine-artery">uterine artery</a> at the uterus.</p><h4>Supplies</h4><ul>
  • -</ul><h5>Related pathology</h5><p>The ovarian arteries sometimes supply <a href="/articles/uterine-leiomyoma">uterine fibroids</a>. </p>
  • +</ul><h4>Variant anatomy</h4><p>In 20%, they arise from the renal arteries. Uncommonly may arise from adrenal, lumbar or <a href="/articles/internal-iliac-artery">internal iliac</a> arteries.</p><h4>Related pathology</h4><ul><li>sometime supply <a href="/articles/uterine-leiomyoma">uterine fibroids</a>
  • +</li></ul>
Images Changes:

Image 1 Diagram ( update )

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DiagramFigure 1

Image 3 Annotated image ( update )

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Angiogram Figure 2: show annotated ovarian arteryangiogram

Image 4 Annotated image ( update )

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Selective angiogram : ovarian artery Figure 3: annotated angiogram
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Image 5 Annotated image ( update )

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Selective angiogram :Case 1: selected ovarian artery angiogram
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