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16,902 results found

Orbital mass

An orbital mass carries a wide differential. Differential diagnosis tumors lymphoma metastasis lacrimal gland or duct tumors rhabdomyosarcoma of the orbit retinoblastoma optic nerve meningioma optic nerve glioma schwannoma (of trigeminal or other cranial nerves except optic) neurofibr...

Anterior tibial artery

The anterior tibial artery is the main arterial supply of the anterior compartment of the leg.  Gross anatomy The anterior tibial artery arises from the popliteal artery in the popliteal fossa and continues distally as the dorsalis pedis artery. Course The anterior tibial artery arises as on...

Optic neuritis

Optic neuritis denotes inflammation of the optic nerve and is one of the more common causes of optic neuropathy. It can be thought of as broadly divided into infectious and non-infectious causes, although the latter is far more frequent (including idiopathic cases). On imaging, optic neuritis is...

TNM staging system

The TNM staging system (officially known as the TNM classification system of malignant tumors) is a cancer staging system overseen and published by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) publishes the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual which is b...

Non-puerperal mastitis

Non-puerperal mastitis, also known as Zuska disease, Zuska-Atkins disease or squamous metaplasia of lactiferous ducts (SMOLD), is a rare benign breast condition that is characterized by recurrent subareolar abscess formation, sometimes followed by chronic fistula formation and pus drainage. It i...

Vertebral artery thrombosis

Vertebral artery thrombosis results in complete or partial occlusion of the vertebral artery and alteration of blood flow to the posterior cerebral circulation. Clinical presentation Ischemia or infarction to structures supplied by these arteries (e.g. brainstem, cerebellum, occipital lobes) m...

Cystic nephroma

Cystic nephromas, previously known as multilocular cystic nephromas, are rare benign renal neoplasms classically occurring in adult females in the 4th and 5th decades. As of the 2016 WHO classification, they are considered distinct from pediatric cystic nephromas which have associated DICER1 gen...

Rockwood classification of acromioclavicular joint injury

The Rockwood classification (1998) is the most commonly used (c.2024) classification system in use for acromioclavicular joint injuries 3,8,9.  Usage This well-known 6-type system is a modification of the earlier 3-class classification system described by Allman (1967) 2 and Tossy (1963). The ...

Vagal schwannoma

Vagal schwannomas are uncommon benign masses that can occur anywhere along the course of the vagus nerve but most commonly occur in the cervical region. Epidemiology Most commonly occurs in the 3rd to 5th decades. No sex predilection 3. Clinical presentation Patients may be asymptomatic. Whe...

Ectopic pancreatic tissue

Ectopic pancreatic tissue, also known as heterotopic pancreatic tissue, refers to the presence of pancreatic tissue in the submucosal, muscularis or subserosal layers of the luminal gastrointestinal tract outside the normal confines of the pancreas and lacking any anatomic or vascular connection...

Hamada classification of massive rotator cuff tears

The Hamada classification divides the x-ray features of massive rotator cuff tears into five grades. Subsequently, Walch subdivided grade 4 into two subtypes 1,2. Classification Hamada classification with Walch modification of rotator cuff tear arthropathy 1,3: grade 1: acromiohumeral interva...

Transverse myelitis

Transverse myelitis, also known as acute transverse myelitis, is an inflammatory condition affecting both halves of the spinal cord and associated with rapidly progressive motor, sensory, and autonomic dysfunction. MRI is the most useful imaging modality, which generally shows a long segment (3...


Meningiomas are extra-axial tumors and represent the most common tumor of the meninges. They are a non-glial neoplasm that originates from the meningocytes or arachnoid cap cells of the meninges and are located anywhere that meninges are found, and in some places where only rest cells are presum...

Gastrointestinal MRI contrast agents

Gastrointestinal MRI contrast agents may be helpful in certain clinical scenarios in distinguishing bowel from intra-abdominal masses and normal organs. The contrast agents can be divided into positive agents (appearing bright on MRI) or negative agents (appearing dark on MRI). Positive contras...


RadioGraphics is a review journal published by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), and its first edition was issued in 1981 1. Radiology is a sister journal. Its current editor is Dr Christine "Cooky" O Menias. History In 1980, as the RSNA editor of educational materials, Dr Will...

Liver biopsy (percutaneous)

Percutaneous liver biopsy, utilizing either ultrasound or CT guidance, allows for an accurate and reliable method of acquiring hepatic tissue for histopathological assessment. It is divided into two types: non-focal or non-targeted liver biopsy (used in the assessment and staging of the parench...

Rituximab-induced interstitial lung disease

Rituximab-induced interstitial lung disease (R-ILD) or rituximab pneumonitis is a rare non-infectious pulmonary side effect of the monoclonal CD20 antibody rituximab used in therapy for certain oncological/hematological and rheumatological disorders. Epidemiology Since solely based on casuisti...

Sphincter of Oddi

The sphincter of Oddi (also known as the sphincter of ampulla or choledochal sphincter) is a complex of four smooth muscle sphincters (superior and inferior sphincter choledochus [also known as Sphincter of Boyden], sphincter pancreaticus, and sphincter ampullae) within the duodenal wall. It sur...

Radiology (journal)

Radiology is a peer-reviewed monthly journal published by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Its first edition was issued in September 1923 1. Impact factor According to the Radiology website, the journal's impact factor for 2022 is 19.7. Its Eigenfactor score is 0.05185, based ...

Kyoto guidelines

The Kyoto guidelines are a classification system for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) and mucinous cystic neoplasms (MCNs). They were first published in 2006, and revised guidelines were published in 2012 1, 2017 3, and 2024 4. They have been previously known as the Sendai criter...

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