Tam o' Shanter sign (skull)

Changed by Daniel J Bell, 6 Oct 2020

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Tam o'Shanter' Shanter sign (skull)
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TheThis imaging  "Tamsign is named after the Tam o'Shanter" ' Shanteris, a Scottish hat, named after the character in Robert Burns' 1 poem of the same name. The appearances of advanced Paget disease of the skull are similar in appearance to the hat. 

Paget involvement of the skull, with widening of the diploic space and an overall enlargement of the cranium, combined with platybasia, leads to the appearance of the skull falling over the facial bones, such as a tamTam o' shanterShanter hat would fall over the head.  

See also

Other Paget disease related-related signs:

  • -<p>The<strong> "Tam o'Shanter" </strong>is a Scottish hat, named after the character in Robert Burns' <sup>1 </sup>poem of the same name. The appearances of advanced <a href="/articles/paget-disease-bone">Paget disease</a> of the skull are similar in appearance to the hat. </p><p>Paget involvement of the skull, with <a href="/articles/widening-of-the-diploic-space">widening of the diploic space</a> and an overall enlargement of the cranium, combined with <a href="/articles/platybasia">platybasia</a>, leads to the appearance of the skull falling over the facial bones, such as a tam o' shanter hat would fall over the head.  </p><h4>See also</h4><p>Other Paget disease related signs:</p><ul>
  • +<p>This imaging <strong>sign</strong> is named after the<strong> Tam o' Shanter</strong>, a Scottish hat, named after the character in Robert Burns' <sup>1 </sup>poem of the same name. The appearances of advanced <a href="/articles/paget-disease-bone">Paget disease</a> of the skull are similar in appearance to the hat. </p><p>Paget involvement of the skull, with <a href="/articles/widening-of-the-diploic-space">widening of the diploic space</a> and an overall enlargement of the cranium, combined with <a href="/articles/platybasia">platybasia</a>, leads to the appearance of the skull falling over the facial bones, such as a Tam o' Shanter hat would fall over the head.  </p><h4>See also</h4><p>Other Paget disease-related signs:</p><ul>

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