Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma

Case contributed by Tariq Walizai
Diagnosis certain


Right upper quadrant pain for a few years.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Female

The liver is enlarged in size with a normal position and has lobulated borders. Multiple, variable in size, soft tissue density mass lesions are noted in both lobes of the liver, largest, exophytic, partially circumscribed one is noted involving segment-VI. These mass lesions show arterial enhancement and progressive washout on venous and delayed phases as compared to adjacent hepatic parenchyma. The hepatic and portal veins are patent. The intrahepatic and extra-hepatic bile ducts are unremarkable.

Gall bladder appears unremarkable.

There is a definable, isodense, mass lesion of about 3.9 x 3.8 cm which is arising from the left lateral wall of the uterus likely suggestive of fibroid.

No ascites is seen.

Case Discussion

CT findings are more in favor of multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma which is pathologically confirmed.

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