Acute appendicitis

Case contributed by Mohammad Salem Amer
Diagnosis certain


Right iliac fossa pain for seven days associated with nausea, vomiting, constipation and high inflammatory markers.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Female

Dilated appendix with a maximum diameter of 12 mm showing a fluid-filled lumen and thick enhanced walls. Minimal reactionary pelvic free fluid. No phlegmon or abscess formation. No evidence of perforation.

Diagnosis was made as acute appendicitis.

Otherwise, normal.

Operative notes:

  • 10 mm and two 5 mm ports

  • diagnostic laparoscopy showed a thick inflamed appendix with a little free fluid in the pelvis

  • the rest of the laparoscopy was normal

  • total intracorporeal laparoscopic appendicectomy was done

  • suction and irrigation

  • appendix was removed through the umbilical port

  • port wounds were closed

  • skin was closed

Case Discussion

This is a simple, straightforward case of non-complicated acute appendicitis in which the appendix shows a mucus-filled distended lumen. No evidence of phlegmon or abscess formation and no evidence of perforation.

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