Cerebral contusions

Case contributed by Derek Smith
Diagnosis certain


Fall while intoxicated. Ongoing confusion. No known significant medical history.

Patient Data

Age: 55
Gender: Male

Multiple hemorrhagic cerebral contusions (left frontal and temporal lobes)

Small rim of subdural hemorrhage over right frontal and temporal lobes, and left cerebral convexities well as left tentorium  cerebelli with associated focal mass effects but no transtentorial herniation or midline shift.

Nondisplaced right temporal bone fracture.

Annotated image

Annotation showing small undisplaced linear fracture through right temporal bone.

Case Discussion

This patient attended after a series of falls.  He displayed ongoing confusion and behavioral change while rehabilitating in hospital.  The case was discussed with neurosurgery but was managed conservatively.


Thanks to Dr Gilly Fleming for presenting this case.

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