Cholecystitis - obstructive choledocholitiasis (CT intravenous cholangiography)

Case contributed by Bruno Di Muzio
Diagnosis certain


Upper abdominal pain - cholecystitis + stone on external ultrasound.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Female

The gallbladder is distended, showing a 2.6 cm calcified stone within, thick walls, and surrounding fat-stranding and free fluid. The common biliary duct is enlarged in calibre (11mm) and demonstrates ill defined filling defects within its distal portions (measuring up to 8 mm on axial plane).

Within the limitations of a non-contrast study the remainder of the imaged upper abdominal content appears unremarkable.

Conclusion: Choledocholithiasis associated with cholecystitis.​

Case Discussion

This case illustrates how the CT cholangiography can be useful in identifying choledocholithiasis. This patient has typical CT findings of cholecystitis: thick-walled and distended gallbladder with stones within, as well as surrounding inflammatory fat stranding. 

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