Coronary artery disease

Case contributed by Joachim Feger
Diagnosis certain


Heavy smoker, h/o hypertension and esophageal cancer on opioids for thoracic pain.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male


  • patient premedication: beta blocker and nitrates

  • acquisition method: step and shoot (prospective acquisition)

  • contrast injection protocol: triphasic injection


  • normal coronary origins and proximal courses

  • right coronary dominance with a thin circumflex artery and a strong intermedius branch

Plaque burden:

  • calcium score (according to Agatson, not shown): 909

  • segment involvement score (SIS): 7 segments

Right coronary artery (RCA): gives rise to PDA and small PLB

  • small calcified plaques without relevant stenosis in the proximal and middle segments

  • plaque-related mild stenosis (25-49%) in the distal segment

  • no relevant plaques or stenoses in the posterior descending artery (PDA) and posterolateral branch (PLB)

Left main: short, strong

  • small calcified plaque, no stenosis

Left anterior descending artery (LAD): two diagonal branches

  • some calcified plaques without stenosis in the proximal segment

  • plaque-related moderate stenosis (~50%) with high-risk features in the middle segment as well as plaque-related mild stenosis in the first diagonal branch (D1)

  • myocardial bridge in the middle segment with no stenosis

  • distal segment and second diagonal branch with no plaques or stenoses

Ramus intermedius: strong lumen (~4 mm)

Circumflex artery (CX): (thin luminal diameter <2mm, one obtuse marginal branch)

  • proximal and distal segments with no plaque or stenoses

  • obtuse marginal branch with no plaque or stenoses

Other findings:

  • status post esophagectomy with gastric pull-up

  • peribronchial thickening


  • moderate coronary stenosis of the ramus intermedius and in the middle segment of the LAD with a high-risk plaque as well as mild stenoses of the D1 and the distal RCA

  • severe overall plague burden

  • modifiers: high-risk plaque

Exam courtesy: Sven Winzler (radiographer)


Curved multiplanar images for better evaluation of the stenoses in the middle left anterior descending artery (LAD) and the ramus intermedius artery.

Case Discussion

A case of coronary artery disease with moderate stenosis of a strong ramus intermedius artery and the middle left anterior descending artery and a severe overall plaque burden with a high-risk plaque in a heavy smoker taking opioid pain medication after esophagectomy.

According to the new version of the Coronary Artery Disease - Reporting and Data System 1 this case should be classified CAD-RADS 3/P3/HRP.

Functional assessment should be considered in this patient such as nuclear stress testing, stress echo or stress MRI (CT stress perfusion and CT-FFR were not available in this case) to look for myocardial ischemia 1,2. Management should also include aggressive risk factor modification and preventive therapy 1.

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