Fibrous dysplasia

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis almost certain


Incidental finding during work-up for TIA. The patient was referred for a non-contrast CT brain study.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

There is an expansile bone lesion arising from the sphenoid bone and base of the skull with a ground-glass matrix and associated intralesional soft tissue density. There is opacification of the right posterior ethmoid sinus and attenuation of the right optic foramen and inferior orbital fissure.

A non-contrast CT brain is otherwise normal.

Case Discussion

Incidental finding of a sphenoid bone and base of skull fibrous dysplasia with the typical ground-glass matrix. The patient presents with a TIA rather than right orbital symptomatology and remains at risk for developing right orbital apex syndrome. The patient is yet to present for the MRI brain and orbital study for further assessment.

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