Intraventricular arteriovenous malformation

Case contributed by Mireya Lomelí Bujaidar
Diagnosis certain


The patient is presenting with an hemorrhagic cerebrovascular event.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

MRI with multiple tortuous vessels causing flow voids, forming a disorganized network located in the temporal and posterior horns of the right ventricle, with apparent supply in the posterior cerebral artery and drainage in the inferior sagittal sinus.

Passage of contrast medium through the vertebral artery identifies the basilar and later the posterior cerebral artery, where the nidus originates.

Case Discussion

Arteriovenous malformations located entirely or predominantly in the ventricular system are uncommon. Most series suggest that less than 5-19% of arteriovenous malformations fall into this anatomical category. In this case, it corresponds to a Spetzler-Martin grade IV since it measures more than 6 cm (3 points), it is not near eloquent areas (0 point), and its venous drainage is towards deep veins (1 point).

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