Mature cystic ovarian teratoma

Case contributed by Raymond Chieng , 18 Dec 2023
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 12 Jan 2024
Disclosures - updated 14 May 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Right matureMature cystic ovarian teratoma
Body was changed:

CA 12-5-125 level was slightly raised at 94.5 U/ml (normal range less than 35). The CA19.9CA 19-9 was markedly raised at 482 U/ml (normal range less than 37).

The radiological diagnosis was a right adnexal lesion suspicious of immature cystic teratoma complicated with torsion, suspicious intraperitoneal lesions, possible peritoneal metastasis, and fatty liver.

Exploratory laparotomy, unilateral salpingectomy, and omentectomy were done. Intra-operative findings showed haemorrhagic ascitic fluid encountered upon entering the peritoneum. Gangrenous right ovarian tumour twisted x3 measuring 10 x 10cm. The capsule is intact. The uterus is normal. The left fallopian tube and left ovary are normal. The peritoneum, subdiaphragmatic space, liver, spleen, omentum, and bowel are normal.

  • -<p>CA 12-5 level was slightly raised at 94.5 U/ml (normal range less than 35). The CA19.9 was markedly raised at 482 U/ml (normal range less than 37).</p><p>The radiological diagnosis was a right adnexal lesion suspicious of immature cystic teratoma complicated with torsion, suspicious intraperitoneal lesions, possible peritoneal metastasis, and fatty liver.</p><p>Exploratory laparotomy, unilateral salpingectomy, and omentectomy were done. Intra-operative findings showed haemorrhagic ascitic fluid encountered upon entering the peritoneum. Gangrenous right ovarian tumour twisted x3 measuring 10 x 10cm. The capsule is intact. The uterus is normal. The left fallopian tube and left ovary are normal. The peritoneum, subdiaphragmatic space, liver, spleen, omentum, and bowel are normal.</p>
  • +<p><a href="/articles/ca-125" title="CA-125">CA-125</a> level was slightly raised at 94.5 U/ml (normal range less than 35). The <a href="/articles/ca-19-9" title="CA 19-9">CA 19-9</a> was markedly raised at 482 U/ml (normal range less than 37).</p><p>The radiological diagnosis was a right adnexal lesion suspicious of immature cystic teratoma complicated with <a href="/articles/ovarian-torsion" title="Torsion of ovaries">torsion</a>, suspicious intraperitoneal lesions, possible <a href="/articles/peritoneal-metastases" title="Peritoneal metastases">peritoneal metastasis</a>, and <a href="/articles/hepatic-steatosis" title="Fatty liver">fatty liver</a>.</p><p>Exploratory laparotomy, unilateral salpingectomy, and omentectomy were done. Intra-operative findings showed haemorrhagic ascitic fluid encountered upon entering the peritoneum. Gangrenous right ovarian tumour twisted x3 measuring 10 x 10cm. The capsule is intact. The uterus is normal. The left fallopian tube and left ovary are normal. The peritoneum, subdiaphragmatic space, liver, spleen, omentum, and bowel are normal.</p>

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Right mature cystic ovarian teratoma
Type was removed.
Visible changed from true to false.

Updates to Primarylink Attributes

Title was added:
Mature cystic ovarian teratoma
Slug was set to mature-cystic-ovarian-teratoma-39.
Type was set to PrimaryLink.
Visible was set to true.
Content was set to 180757.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

The right ovary is not visualised. Heterogenous solid-cystic mass seen in the right iliac fossa with extension beneath segment VI of the liver. The cystic component contains debris and calcifications within. No colour doppler seen within the mass, thus suggestive of ovarian torsion.

The right fallopian tube is oedematous with minimal vascularity within. A normal fallopian tube is not usually seen on ultrasound.

Free fluid within the pelvis.

The uterus is normal.

Left adnexa is not seen in this ultrasound.

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