Metastatic lung cancer

Case contributed by Mohamed Mahmoud Elthokapy , 7 Oct 2022
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Mohamed Mahmoud Elthokapy, 8 Oct 2022

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
CoughSmoker patient presented by cough, hemoptysis, weight loss, and chest pain, as well as anterior superior chest wall hot tender mass.
Body was changed:

Findings are suggestive of multifocal neoplastic metastatic disease (metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma (T4 N3 M1bc) (end stage IVb) according to AJCC staging system

  • -<p>Findings are suggestive of <strong>multifocal neoplastic metastatic disease (<a title="Bronchogenic carcinoma" href="/articles/lung-cancer-3">metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma</a> (</strong>T4 N3 M1bc) (end stage IVb) according to <a title="Lung cancer (staging - IASLC 8th edition)" href="/articles/lung-cancer-staging-iaslc-8th-edition">AJCC staging system</a></p>
  • +<p>Findings are suggestive of <strong>multifocal neoplastic metastatic disease (<a href="/articles/lung-cancer-3">metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma</a> (</strong>T4 N3 M1bc) (end stage IVb) according to <a href="/articles/lung-cancer-staging-iaslc-8th-edition">AJCC staging system</a></p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Limited non enhanced-enhanced study has revealed:

  • Right lower lung lobe  asas well as right hilar heterogenous soft tissue masses measuring about 6.4x4 cm as well as 4.5x3.9 cm respectively The masses seen extending to the right hilum and para-hilar region encasing right main stem bronchus and  bronchusbronchus intermedium (T4) with irregular borders and heterogenous densities mostly neoplastic (bronchogenic carcinoma).
  • Multiple bilateral small pulmonary nodules are scattered randomly the largest about 7.5 mm at the left upper lung lobe apical segment mostly metastatic  
  • Enlarged enlarged mediastinal and hilar Lymphadenopathy, some of them appearsappear cystic/ degenerated measuring about 3.5 cm at the right para-tracheal group, moreover right supraclavicular nodal mass is about 5.5x4 cm (N3)
  • Right mild pleural effusion with underlying basal passive atelectasis
  • Multiple vertebral ,ribs ,scapular, ribs , scapular, and sternal variable sized-sized heterogenous infiltrative soft tissue masses likely metastatic deposits (M1), the sternal mass showing superadded inflammatory process with possible abscess formation over manubrium sterni.
  • Bilateral adrenal soft tissue masses measuring about 3.5 cm and 3.8 cm at right and left sides respectively likely metastatic
  • Left hepatic lobe hypodense focal mass lesion likely metastatic.
  • Heterogenous bulky thyroid gland with nodulation.

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