Septate gallbladder

Case contributed by Mohamed Saber
Diagnosis certain


Right hypochondrial pain.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female

The gallbladder shows multiple echogenic septa that split its lumen into several compartments.

No stones or masses.


Multiple septa in the gallbladder split its lumen into several parts eliciting thin linear hypointensity in T2WI.

This case was subjected to laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  The histopathology revealed: 

  • the cut section of the gallbladder showed velvety mucosa
  • the microscopic assessment showed villous hyperplasia of mucosa with extended papillary architecture deep into muscularis forming Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses
  • no malignancy

Case Discussion

Septate gallbladder is a congenital variant with communication between the separated parts of the gallbladder through tiny pores

It is also worth considering that gallbladder septa with multiple small polyps can be seen in adenomyomatosis.

In histopathology; this case showed associated signs of adenomyomatosis with microscopic Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses.

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