Sinus pericranii

Case contributed by Dalia Ibrahim
Diagnosis possible


Seizures 2 days ago.

Patient Data

Age: 10 years

Right high parietal subgaleal multiple serpingous dilated extra-cranial venous blood vessels which directly communicate with the intracranial superior sagittal venous sinus through diploic emissary veins.

Soft tissue prominence is noted.


Right high parietal subgaleal venous blood vessels which tightly adhere to the outer calvarium and directly communicate with the intracranial superior sagittal venous sinus through diploic emissary veins.

CT clearly identify the bone defects (enlarged bilateral foramina) through which the emissary veins passes. 

Case Discussion

Sinus pericranii (SP) is a cranial venous anomaly in which there is an abnormal communication between intracranial dural sinuses and extracranial venous structures, usually via an emissary transosseous vein.

Differential diagnosis:

  • Atretic cephalocele
  • dural fistula or arteriovenous malformation
  • subepicranial varix (dilated scalp venous sac without communication with intracranial dural sinuses)
  • Dermoid or epidermoid sinus
  • Sebaceous cyst
  • Cephalhematoma
  • Infantile haemangioma


  • systemic angiomas
  • craniosynostosis

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