Tibial plateau fracture

Case contributed by Sanhita Shyam Pokle
Diagnosis certain


Fall from height

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male
  • comminuted fracture of the lateral tibial plateau with compression of the ipsilateral plateau and contusion over the lateral tibial condyle

  • diffuse subcutaneous edema over the anterior and lateral aspects of the knee

  • moderate joint effusion with a blood fluid level, suggesting hemarthrosis

  • a few loose bodies within the joint space

  • hyperintense signal within an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) with intact fibers, suggesting strain/partial thickness tear

  • the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) appears bulky with a hyperintense signal within, suggesting tendinopathy

  • unspecific linear intrameniscal signal in the anterior and posterior horn of the lateral meniscus not reaching the surface

  • a well-defined lobulated mass lesion within the medullary cavity of the medial tibial condyle; the lesion appears heterogeneous with focal signal drops within, suggesting enchondroma

Case Discussion

The above features are typical of a lateral tibial plateau fracture with spilled depression - Schatzker II.

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