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16,919 results

Segmental fracture

Segmental fracture is a fracture composed of at least two fracture lines that together isolate a segment of bone, usually a portion of the diaphysis of a long bone. This fracture pattern is frequently associated with high energy mechanism and devascularisation of the segmental fracture fragment(...


Bagassosis refers to a form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis related to a mouldy molasses usually related to sugar cane dry pulpy fibrous residue called bagasse (Thermoactinomyces sacchari). It is considered to reflect a reaction to organic dust and is becoming rarer.

Adding an image to an article

Adding images to an article is an important way of illustrating various imaging examples of that condition. Ideally, there should only be one image per case (usually the 'best' image) per article unless you wish to highlight a specific point, or it is a rare condition with only one case availabl...

Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of the face

Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of the face is a very rare congenital, non-hereditary disease manifesting with prominent unilateral facial overgrowth and deformity. Clinical presentation Facial asymmetry is always noted at birth. Other findings on the affected side include: unilateral ske...

Stab wound (overview)

Stab wounds are a form of penetrating trauma that may be self-inflicted or inflicted by another person either accidentally or intentionally. They may be caused by a variety of objects and may occur anywhere in the body. Terminology Although commonly caused by a knife as well, slash injuries di...

Cerebellopontine angle cistern

The cerebellopontine angle (CPA) cistern, also known as the pontocerebellar cistern, is a triangular CSF-filled subarachnoid cistern that lies between the anterior surface of the cerebellum and the lateral surface of the pons. Gross anatomy Boundaries superior: tentorium cerebelli posterior:...


Disclosures are an important part of your user profile. strives to ensure our content is free from commercial bias or undue corporate influence. Furthermore, transparency is important to us. We, therefore, encourage and require you to truthfully and fully include relevant finan...

Calcaneus series

The calcaneus series is comprised of a lateral and axial (plantodorsal) projection. The calcaneus is the most commonly fractured tarsal bone accounting for ~60% of all tarsal fractures 1. This series provides a two view investigation of the calcaneus alongside the talar articulations and talocal...


Proboscis is a rare congenital anomaly where an anterior appendage-like structure is seen projecting from the midline fetal face/forehead. Depending on the exact location, this has further been classified into various subtypes (e.g. interorbital proboscis). Pathology Associations The presence...

Mentalis muscle

The mentalis muscles (TA: musculus mentalis) are paired muscles, one on each side of the mouth, important as elevators of the chin and lower lip; the muscles are one of the facial muscles.  Summary origin: incisive fossa of the mandible insertion: skin of the chin​ innervation: facial nerve ...


The maxillae (or maxillary bones) are a pair of symmetrical bones joined at the midline, which form the middle third of the face. Each maxilla forms the floor of the nasal cavity and parts of its lateral wall and roof, the roof of the oral cavity, contains the maxillary sinus, and contributes mo...

Parasellar dark T2 signal sign

The parasellar dark T2 signal sign is a MRI feature where there is parasellar low T2 signal. Some authors describe it as a specific finding in differentiating lymphocytic hypophysitis from a pituitary adenoma.

Dragonfly sign

Dragonfly sign describes the appearance of the cerebellum on coronal images, which is seen secondary to cerebellar atrophy in pontocerebellar hypoplasia 1. The sign is so called as the whole cerebellum resembles the shape of a dragonfly if one imagines the vermis is the body of the insect and t...

Meniscus sign (disambiguation)

A meniscus sign has been named in multiple contexts: air meniscus sign in chest imaging most commonly due to invasive aspergillosis 1 Carman meniscus sign in barium studies due to an ulcerated gastric cancer 2 clot meniscus sign in angiography due to large vessel occlusion acute ischemic stro...

Galeazzi fracture-dislocation

Galeazzi fracture-dislocations consist of a fracture of the distal part of the radius with disruption of the distal radioulnar joint. A Galeazzi-equivalent fracture is a distal radial fracture with a distal ulnar physeal fracture 2. Epidemiology Galeazzi fractures are primarily encountered in ...

Brachiocephalic vein

The brachiocephalic veins, previously known as the innominate veins, are large paired valveless asymmetric central veins that drain the head, neck, upper limbs and part of the thorax and mediastinum.  Gross anatomy Origin In the root of the neck, the internal jugular (IJV) and subclavian vein...

Harris ring

A Harris ring is a ring-like shadow observed at the base of the odontoid process on a lateral radiograph of the cervical spine. It is formed by the superimposition of the lateral masses of the C2 vertebra (axis) on its body. Disruption of the Harris ring is seen in type III, and less commonly, ...

Emphysematous pancreatitis

Emphysematous pancreatitis is an unusual complication of acute pancreatitis caused by necrotizing infection of the pancreas. It is associated with gas-forming bacteria and characterized by the presence of gas within or around the pancreas 1.  Pathology Infection with gas-forming bacteria such ...

Double panda sign

The double panda sign refers to the combination of the face of the giant panda and face of the miniature panda (cub of the giant panda) seen on T2 weighted images of midbrain and pons respectively, most commonly seen in Wilson disease. The midbrain face of the giant panda sign consists of norma...


Cartilage or cartilaginous tissue is a resilient and type of connective tissue of mesodermal origin that forms an integral part within the musculoskeletal system and as a structural component in other organs.   Cartilage can be generally classified into the following main types: hyaline cartil...

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