Search results for “spina bifida”

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32 results found

Spina bifida

Spina bifida is a type of neural tube defect/spinal dysraphism which can occur to varying degrees of severity. It is often considered the most common congenital CNS malformation. Terminology Spina bifida in its strictest sense means defective fusion of the vertebral posterior elements, leading...

Spina bifida: myeloschisis with Chiari II - prenatal diagnosis

  Diagnosis certain
Fabien Ho
Published 17 Apr 2018
94% complete

Acrania, exencephaly and spina bifida

  Diagnosis certain
Ayush Goel
Published 15 Jun 2017
75% complete

Rachischisis totalis

Rachischisis totalis, also known as complete spina bifida, refers to a severe form of spina bifida where there is a cleft through the entire spine. Pathology There is often a severe or complete defect of the neural tube involving the entire spine from the cervical region through to the sacrum....

Banana sign (cerebellum)

The banana sign is one of the many notable fruit inspired signs. This sign is seen on axial imaging through the posterior fossa of fetuses with associated conditions such as  Chiari II malformation and/or spina bifida. In Chiari II malformation, the banana sign describes the way the cerebellum...

Spinal dysraphism

Spinal dysraphisms refer to a broad group of malformations affecting the spine and/or surrounding structures in the dorsum of the embryo. They are a form of neural tube defect. Pathology The neural tube is formed by the lengthwise closure of the neural plate, in the dorsum of the embryo. The ...

Lemon sign

The lemon sign, noted on antenatal imaging, is one of the many notable fruit-inspired signs. It is a feature when there appears to be an indentation of the frontal bone (depicting that of a lemon). It is classically seen as a sign of a Chiari II malformation and also seen in the majority (90-98%...


Craniorachischisis, also known as craniorachischisis totalis, is a rare birth defect and the most severe of the neural tube defects. It refers to the presence of both anencephaly and spina bifida. Epidemiology In one study the prevalence of craniorachischisis was 0.51 per 10,000 live births in...

Chiari II malformation

Chiari II malformations are relatively common congenital malformations of the spine and posterior fossa characterized by myelomeningocele (lumbosacral spina bifida aperta) and a small posterior fossa with descent of the brainstem, cerebellar tonsils, and vermis through the foramen magnum. Numero...

Fetal MRI

Fetal MRI allows for detailed imaging of the developing fetus in utero. Fast sequences are required due to fetal movement 1. Fetal MRI is most commonly utilized when ultrasound findings are equivocal. Fetal anatomy can be evaluated in detail including the brain, upper aerodigestive tract, thorax...

Neural tube defects

Neural tube defect (NTD) refers to the incomplete closure of the neural tube in very early pregnancy, resulting in cranial defects or spinal dysraphism. The neural tube comprises a bundle of nerve sheath which closes to form brain caudally and spinal cord rostrally. The closure should occur at ...


Cephalocele refers to the outward herniation of CNS contents through a defect in the cranium. The vast majority are midline. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is 0.8-4:10,000 live births 13 with a well recognized geographical variation between types; however, this has been speculated to be ...

Edwards syndrome

Edwards syndrome, also known as trisomy 18, along with Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), make up the only three autosomal trisomies to be compatible with extrauterine life in non-mosaic forms, albeit in the case of Edward syndrome only for a week or so.  Epidemiology ...

Rocker bottom foot

A rocker bottom foot (also known as a congenital vertical talus) is a congenital anomaly of the foot. It is characterized by a prominent calcaneus/heel and a convexly rounded sole. Pathology It results from a dorsal and lateral dislocation of the talonavicular joint. Associations aneuploidic...

Congenital talipes equinovarus

Congenital talipes equinovarus is considered the most common anomaly affecting the feet diagnosed on antenatal ultrasound. Terminology While some use talipes equinovarus and clubfoot synonymously, in certain publications, the term clubfoot is considered a more general descriptive term that des...

VACTERL association

VACTERL is an acronym that describes a non-random constellation of congenital anomalies. It is not a true syndrome as such and is equivalent to the VATER anomaly. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is 1 in 10,000-40,000 births 3. Associations Several conditions have features in common with...

Patau syndrome

Patau syndrome (also known as trisomy 13) is considered the 3rd commonest autosomal trisomy. Patau syndrome, Down syndrome (trisomy 21), and Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) are the only three trisomies compatible with extrauterine life. However, few infants with either Patau or Edwards syndrome l...

Fetal conditions associated with maternal diabetes

There are numerous fetal congenital anomalies associated with maternal diabetes.  They include cardiac: congenital cardiac anomalies ventricular septal defect (VSD) 5 conotruncal anomalies transposition of the great arteries (TGA) truncus arteriosus fetal congestive cardiac failure (witho...

Roberts syndrome

Roberts syndrome, also known as Roberts-SC phocomelia syndrome, pseudothalidomide syndrome, or Appelt-Gerken-Lenz syndrome, is a rare congenital malformation syndrome. Clinical presentation general intrauterine growth restriction postnatal growth retardation failure to thrive thrombocytope...


Anencephaly is the most severe form of cranial neural tube defect and is characterized by an absence of cortical tissue (although the brainstem and cerebellum may be variably present) as well as an absence of the cranial vault. The morphological spectrum within anencephaly ranges from holocrania...

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