Search results for “subarachnoid hemorrhages”

461 results

Bochdalek's flower basket

Bochdalek's flower basket is the eponymous name for the incidental finding of protrusion of the choroid plexus through the foramina of Luschka. This is a relatively common finding. It is an important normal variant to recognize as the presence of protruding calcified choroid tissue in the fourt...

Call-Fleming syndrome

Call-Fleming syndrome, also called Call syndrome, essentially synonymous with the more current term reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS), although it is felt to be a subset of the former by some, representing the idiopathic RCVS.  Call-Flemming syndrome is therefore characterize...

Cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum (CLOCCs)

Cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum (CLOCCs) represent a collection of disparate conditions that can cause signal change in the corpus callosum, usually involving the splenium.  Terminology The term cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum (CLOCCs) has been proposed 12 as a more precise d...

Cerebral angiography

Cerebral angiography is an interventional procedure for the diagnosis and/or treatment of intracranial pathology. Indications Cerebral digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is indicated in a variety of settings including: diagnosis and treatment of: aneurysms 1 acute ischemic stroke vascul...

Intracranial atherosclerotic disease

Intracranial atherosclerotic disease (ICAD), also known as intracranial atherosclerosis or intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis (ICAS), is the term applied to atherosclerosis of the large intracranial arteries and is a cause of recurrent ischemic stroke. Epidemiology Intracranial atherosclero...

Peduncular vein

The peduncular veins (PV) or interpeduncular veins are veins of the brainstem and tributaries of the basal vein of Rosenthal, sometimes visible on imaging in the vicinity of the basilar artery tip and the proximal posterior cerebral artery. Gross anatomy The peduncular veins drain the cerebral...

Medical abbreviations and acronyms (C)

This article contains a list of commonly used medical abbreviations and acronyms that start with the letter C and may be encountered in medicine and radiology (please keep both the main list and any sublists in alphabetic order). A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q...

Sickle cell disease (cerebral manifestations)

Cerebral manifestations of sickle cell disease contribute significantly to the overall morbidity of the disease. Sickle cell disease is among the most common causes of stroke in the pediatric population. For a general discussion of sickle cell disease, please refer to sickle cell disease. Epid...

Inferior petrosal sinus sampling

Inferior petrosal sinus sampling is an infrequently used method of confirming the presence of a hormonally active pituitary microadenoma when imaging alone has been insufficient. This technique is able to confirm that excess hormone (e.g. ACTH) is being produced by the pituitary and may also hel...

Wyburn-Mason syndrome

Wyburn-Mason syndrome (also known as Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc syndrome) is a rare, nonhereditary neurocutaneous disorder that typically presents with unilateral vascular malformations that primarily involve the brain, orbits and facial structures. It is currently classified as a cerebrofacial arter...

Coup de poignard of Michon

Coup de poignard of Michon refers to spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage, usually as a result of a spinal arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Clinical presentation Presentation is with sudden excruciating back pain, akin to being stabbed with a dagger (poignard is French for dagger). It is the coroll...

Suprasellar cistern

The suprasellar cistern (also known as the chiasmatic cistern or pentagon of basal cisterns) is one of the cerebrospinal fluid-filled subarachnoid cisterns. Gross anatomy Location The suprasellar cistern is located above the sella turcica, under the hypothalamus and between the uncus of the t...

Marshall classification of traumatic brain injury

The Marshall classification of traumatic brain injury is a CT scan derived metric using only a few features and has been shown to predict outcome in patients with traumatic brain injury.  This system was first published in 1992 1 building on findings from a large cohort of head injury cases des...

Myocardial injury

Myocardial injury is defined by an elevation of cardiac troponin values above the 99th percentile upper reference limit. It is considered a prerequisite for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction but also an entity in itself and can arise from non-ischemic or non-cardiac conditions 1,2. Termino...

CT angiography of the cerebral arteries (protocol)

CT angiography of the cerebral arteries (also known as a CTA carotids or an arch to vertex angiogram) is a non-invasive technique that allows visualization of the internal and external carotid arteries and vertebral arteries and can include just the intracranial compartment or also extend down t...

Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage

  Diagnosis certain
Bálint Botz
Published 09 Mar 2022
95% complete

Ruptured posterior communicating artery aneurysm complicated by vasospasm

  Diagnosis certain
Stefan Tigges
Published 09 Apr 2022
100% complete
Nuclear medicine CT DSA (angiography)

Leptomeningeal metastases

Leptomeningeal metastases, also known as carcinomatous meningitis and meningeal carcinomatosis, refers to the spread of malignant cells through the CSF space. These cells can originate from primary CNS tumors (e.g. in the form of drop metastases), as well as from distant tumors that have metasta...

Superficial siderosis

  Diagnosis almost certain
Ammar Haouimi
Published 16 Sep 2023
77% complete

Ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm with bilateral anterior cerebral artery infarcts

  Diagnosis certain
Stefan Tigges
Published 08 Apr 2022
92% complete
CT DSA (angiography)

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