7,929 results

Adenoidal and tonsillar hypertrophy

  Diagnosis certain
Som S Biswas
Published 04 Feb 2023
82% complete

Isthmus (disambiguation)

Isthmus (plural: isthmi) is an anatomical term and refers to a slender structure joining two larger components. Some of these uses of the word isthmus are now rarely used or only seen in older texts and articles: isthmus (aorta) isthmus (auditory tube) isthmus (auricle of the ear) isthmus (c...

Oropharyngeal isthmus

The oropharyngeal isthmus, a.k.a. isthmus of fauces, is the relative constriction of the anterior oropharynx that borders the oral cavity. The isthmus is sometimes described as the passage that transitions between the oral cavity and pharynx, but strictly speaking, it is part of the oropharynx. ...

Intraconal orbital lesions

Intraconal orbital lesions are broadly divided into two main groups; those with or without involvement of the optic nerves. Lesions with optic nerve involvement: optic nerve glioma optic nerve meningioma optic neuritis pseudotumor lymphoma and leukemia intracranial hypertension retinobla...

Buccolabial muscles

The buccolabial muscles form a subgroup of the facial muscles.  Elevators, retractors and evertors of the upper lip: levator labii superioris alaeque nasalis (LLSAN) muscle levator labii superioris muscle zygomaticus major muscle zygomaticus minor muscle malaris muscle levator anguli oris...

Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) of internal carotid arteries

  Diagnosis certain
David Matthews
Published 17 Jan 2021
95% complete


Cherubism has historically been considered a variant of fibrous dysplasia, but is likely a distinct entity.  Epidemiology Cherubism is a rare disorder and the precise incidence is unknown. It is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern 2 and has variable penetrance, with onset in early child...


Hemotympanum is the presence of blood in the middle ear cavity. It is usually secondary to trauma. Clinical presentation Typically on otoscopy a bulging red to purple to dark blue colored tympanic membrane is visible, color varying with age of the hemorrhage.  Pathology The hemorrhage has us...

Facial muscles

The facial muscles, also known as the muscles of facial expression or mimetic muscles (TA: musculi faciales), enable facial expression and serve as sphincters and dilators of the orifices of the face. These muscles differ from those of other regions in the body as there is no fascia deep to the ...

Allergic fungal sinusitis

  Diagnosis probable
Maximiliano Darakdjian
Published 20 Feb 2021
71% complete

Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of the face

Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of the face is a very rare congenital, non-hereditary disease manifesting with prominent unilateral facial overgrowth and deformity. Clinical presentation Facial asymmetry is always noted at birth. Other findings on the affected side include: unilateral ske...

Stab wound (overview)

Stab wounds are a form of penetrating trauma that may be self-inflicted or inflicted by another person either accidentally or intentionally. They may be caused by a variety of objects and may occur anywhere in the body. Terminology Although commonly caused by a knife as well, slash injuries di...

External auditory canal cholesteatoma

  Diagnosis probable
Ammar Haouimi
Published 01 Dec 2020
68% complete

Giraffe (photo)

  Diagnosis not applicable
Daniel J Bell
Published 10 May 2019
29% complete

Malignant schwannoma

  Diagnosis certain
Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Published 23 Jun 2015
92% complete

Mentalis muscle

The mentalis muscles (TA: musculus mentalis) are paired muscles, one on each side of the mouth, important as elevators of the chin and lower lip; the muscles are one of the facial muscles.  Summary origin: incisive fossa of the mandible insertion: skin of the chin​ innervation: facial nerve ...

Jugulodigastric lymph node - normal (ultrasound)

  Diagnosis not applicable
Hemilianna Hadassa Silva Matozinho
Published 19 Mar 2021
63% complete


The maxillae (or maxillary bones) are a pair of symmetrical bones joined at the midline, which form the middle third of the face. Each maxilla forms the floor of the nasal cavity and parts of its lateral wall and roof, the roof of the oral cavity, contains the maxillary sinus, and contributes mo...

Subconjunctival fat prolapse

  Diagnosis probable
Pamela Boustros
Published 21 Jan 2022
64% complete
CT Annotated image

Burkitt lymphoma

  Diagnosis almost certain
Ammar Haouimi
Published 03 Jan 2023
77% complete

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