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108 results

Lemon sign

The lemon sign, noted on antenatal imaging, is one of the many notable fruit-inspired signs. It is a feature when there appears to be an indentation of the frontal bone (depicting that of a lemon). It is classically seen as a sign of a Chiari II malformation and also seen in the majority (90-98%...

T sign (disambiguation)

The T sign has been described in several different pathologies: T sign (obstetrics) T sign (elbow MRI) upper T sign (brain) lower T sign (brain) See also tau sign

T sign (obstetrics)

The T sign is really the absence of a twin peak sign (or lambda (λ) sign) and is used in ultrasound assessment of a multifetal pregnancy. It refers to the lack of chorion extending between the layers of the intertwin membrane, denoting a monochorionic pregnancy. The intertwin membrane comes to ...

The crisscross sign

The crisscross sign is a fetal ultrasound sign that describes the normal relationship between the ventricular outflows tracts of the fetal heart. The left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT); represented by the take-off of the aorta (Ao) from the left ventricle, is perpendicular (90o) to the right ...

Banana sign (cerebellum)

The banana sign is one of the many notable fruit inspired signs. This sign is seen on axial imaging through the posterior fossa of fetuses with associated conditions such as  Chiari II malformation and/or spina bifida. In Chiari II malformation, the banana sign describes the way the cerebellum...

Twin peak sign

The twin peak sign, also known as the lambda (λ) sign, is the triangular appearance of the chorion insinuating between the layers of the intertwin membrane and strongly suggests a dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy. It is best seen in the first trimester (between 10-14 weeks) 5. While the pre...

Cockade sign (disambiguation)

There are several described cockade signs in radiology: cockade sign (aorto-left ventricular tunnel) 1 cockade sign (appendicitis) 2 cockade sign (GI tumors) 4 cockade sign (hypertrophic pyloric stenosis) 3 cockade sign (intraosseous lipoma) History and etymology It is named after a cocka...

Snowstorm sign (disambiguation)

Snowstorm sign may refer to: snowstorm sign: complete hydatiform mole (ultrasound) snowstorm sign: extracapsular breast implant rupture (ultrasound) snowstorm sign: thyroid pulmonary metastases (chest radiograph)

Tubal ring sign

The tubal ring sign, also referred to as a bagel sign or blob sign, is one of the ultrasound signs of a tubal ectopic pregnancy. It comprises an echogenic ring that surrounds an unruptured ectopic pregnancy. It is said to have a 95% positive predictive value (PPV) for ectopic pregnancy. Differe...

Expanded amnion sign

The expanded amnion sign has been described as a poor prognostic sign in early pregnancy, suspicious though not diagnostic of failed early pregnancy. Any visible embryo that is surrounded by an amnion (visible on transvaginal ultrasound) should also have a heartbeat, regardless of crown-rump len...

Yolk stalk sign

The yolk stalk sign is the abnormal sonographic finding when an embryo with a crown-rump length of ≤ 5 mm without heartbeat is separated from the yolk sac. It is suspicious but not diagnostic of a failed early pregnancy. In early embryonic development, the embryo is typically adjacent to the dev...

Intradecidual sac sign

Intradecidual sac sign (IDSS) is a useful feature in identifying an early intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) as early as 25 days of gestation1. The threshold level (earliest one can see the sign) is 24 days of gestation and the discriminatory level (one should always see the sac) is 47 days. As per th...

Lambda sign (disambiguation)

There are two described lambda (λ) signs: lambda sign (twin pregnancy) lambda sign (sarcoidosis)

Snake under the skull sign

Snake under the skull sign is a vascular anomaly seen in holoprosencephaly. Pathology Due to the defect in the cleavage of the two hemispheres there is a fusion of the frontal lobes. This band of abnormal cortical tissue causes forward displacement of the anterior cerebral artery, so that it l...

Bladder vessel sign

Bladder vessel sign refers to the visualization of tortuous flow voids on MRI traversing space between the urinary bladder and the uterus (vesicouterine space); which normally contains fat and is devoid of blood vessels. The sign is seen in the case of placenta accreta spectrum disorders, where...

Empty amnion sign

The empty amnion sign is a sonographic observation where there is the visualization of an amniotic sac without concomitant visualization of an embryo. It is an indicator of pregnancy failure regardless of the mean sac diameter and is considered to have a sufficiently high positive predictive val...

Frog eye sign

The frog eye sign is seen when the orbital structures show a characteristic protrusion due to fetal anencephaly. The term is particularly used in point of care ultrasound (POCUS) 1.  Radiographic features On obstetric ultrasound the frog eye sign is best appreciated in the coronal plane (in re...

Double bleb sign

A double bleb sign is a sonographic feature where there is visualization of a gestational sac containing a yolk sac and amniotic sac giving an appearance of two small bubbles 2. The embryonic disc is located between the two bubbles. It is an important feature of an intrauterine pregnancy and thu...

Hanging noose sign

Hanging noose sign in obstetric imaging is a rarely described but classical finding of a true umbilical cord knot. It demonstrates a transverse section of the umbilical cord surrounded by a loop of umbilical cord and changes in the pressure of the knot can be demonstrated with the fetal movement...

Interstitial line sign

The interstitial line sign is an ultrasound finding in interstitial ectopic pregnancy. It is an echogenic line from the mass to the endometrial echo complex. Reportedly it has high sensitivity (80%) and specificity (98%).

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