Items tagged “signs”

77 results

Positive metacarpal sign

In the metacarpal sign, a line drawn along the heads of the 4th and 5th metacarpals will intersect the head of the 3rd metacarpal if shortening is present. The shortened 4th metacarpal is the key to the sign. The sign is positive in up to 9.6% of normal individuals 3. It is however seen in a va...

Open ring sign

The open ring sign is a relatively specific sign for demyelination, most commonly multiple sclerosis (MS), and is helpful in distinguishing between the causes of ring-enhancing lesions.  Radiographic features The enhancing component is thought to represent advancing front of demyelination and ...

Fat halo sign

  Diagnosis almost certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 07 May 2008
56% complete

Caput medusae sign (developmental venous anomaly)

The caput medusae sign also sometimes known as a palm tree sign refers to developmental venous anomalies of the brain, where a number of veins converge centrally into a single draining vein.  The sign is seen on both CT and MRI when contrast medium is administered. Angiographically the caput me...

Corpus callosum lipoma - bracket sign

  Diagnosis certain
Paresh K Desai
Published 07 Dec 2015
83% complete
CT X-ray

Air crescent sign

  Diagnosis almost certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 22 Feb 2010
55% complete

Rigler sign

  Diagnosis certain
Hani M. Al Salam
Published 25 Feb 2010
63% complete

Fallen fragment sign

The fallen fragment sign refers to the presence of a bone fracture fragment resting dependently in a cystic bone lesion. This finding was once thought to be pathognomonic for a simple (unicameral) bone cyst following a pathological fracture, although it has occasionally been reported with other ...

Deep sulcus sign

  Diagnosis almost certain
Hani M. Al Salam
Published 19 Mar 2011
50% complete

Subdiaphragmatic free gas

  Diagnosis certain
Hani M. Al Salam
Published 19 Mar 2011
60% complete

Spinal cord metastasis

  Diagnosis almost certain
Hani M. Al Salam
Published 13 May 2011
80% complete

Cartilage interface sign - supraspinatus tear

  Diagnosis almost certain
Andrew Dixon
Published 05 Jul 2011
71% complete
Ultrasound Annotated image

Pancake brain

Pancake brain is the classical sign of alobar holoprosencephaly. It is due to fusion of the cerebral hemispheres leaving a single ventricle in its center. It is the most severe form of holoprosencephaly. It is associated with multiple facial abnormalities. See also pancake vertebra vegetable ...

White cerebellum sign

White cerebellum sign, also called reversal sign or dense cerebellum sign, is encountered when there is a diffuse decrease in density of the supratentorial brain parenchyma, with relatively increased attenuation of the thalami, brainstem and cerebellum. This sign indicates irreversible brain dam...

Bare orbit sign (sphenoid wing)

The bare orbit sign, is described as a characteristic appearance of the orbit, seen when the innominate line is absent. The innominate line is a projection of the greater wing of the sphenoid, and its absence or destruction is responsible for this appearance. It is the classical frontal radiogr...

Leopard skin sign (white matter)

The leopard skin sign (also known as tigroid pattern or stripe sign) results from dark spots or stripes (spared perivascular white matter) within bright demyelinated periventricular white matter on T2W images. It is characteristically seen in: metachromatic leukodystrophy Krabbe disease 2 Pel...

Tau sign

The tau sign represents the appearance of a persistent primitive trigeminal artery on the sagittal plane of an angiogram or on sagittal MRI images. It resembles the Greek letter τ, pronounced "tau", and is equivalent to the modern-day "T" in the Latin alphabet. The persistent trigeminal artery ...


  Diagnosis certain
Varun Babu
Published 13 Sep 2012
91% complete

H-shaped vertebrae

  Diagnosis almost certain
Mark Holland
Published 18 Sep 2012
69% complete

Frimann-Dahl sign of sigmoid volvulus

  Diagnosis certain
Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Published 05 Dec 2012
91% complete
X-ray Annotated image

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