The weight-bearing medial oblique view of the foot is a specialized projection that places the foot under normal weight-bearing conditions. The projection is utilized to assess the foot under stress and better demonstrate structural and functional deformities.
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This projection is utilized to assess the structural integrity of the foot. If the patient is able, weight-bearing views should be performed in acute and follow-up settings 1.
This view is key to the assessment of foot alignment and the diagnosis of abnormalities causing malalignment and foot pain, i.e. Lisfranc injury. Bilateral projections may be requested for comparison purposes.
Ultimately the radiographer will determine if the projection is safe to perform.
Patient position
the foot is planted on the detector (often a detector cover) with the lower leg perpendicular to the floor (weight-bearing surface)
patient distributes weight evenly across both feet
Technical factors
angled medial oblique projection
centering point
base of the third metatarsal
central beam is angled approximately 15-20 degrees medial i.e. angled lateromedial to mimic a rolled medial oblique projection
given the rolled oblique projection is not a natural weight-bearing projection, patients tend to distribute weight unevenly, the angled projection is preferred to ensure a true weight-bearing projection has been performed
anterior to the skin margins of the distal phalanges
medial/lateral to the skin margins
posterior to the calcaneum
detector size
18 cm x 24 cm
50-60 kVp
3-6 mAs
100 cm
Image technical evaluation
1st metatarsal has even concavity
the spaces between the 2nd to 5th metatarsal are equal, yet the bases are overlapping
intertarsal space between the medial and intermediate cuneiform should be opened
Useful measurements
medial cuneiform to second metatarsal distance
Practical points
As these views are often requested to rule out Lisfranc injuries, remember to encourage your patient to place normal, even weight distribution on their feet, instead of forcing their weight on them.
Ensure ample warning is provided to the patient of the x-ray tube's close proximity to their torso. To prevent patients from burning themselves, remind them not to use the often overheated tube as weight support.