The scapula series is the plain radiographic assessment of the scapular bone of the shoulder girdle, seldom used in departments with 24 hour computed tomography departments.
Many radiographic departments, do not have a stand alone scapula series, rather include the assessment of the scapula in the shoulder series.
Scapula radiographs are performed for a variety of indications including 1,2:
- trauma
- suspected primary or metastatic lesions
Standard projections
AP view
- a specialized view that demonstrates the scapula in the anteroposterior plane
- similar position to an AP shoulder, however, limb placement and breathing technique differ
lateral or scapular Y view
- orthogonal view to the AP projection
- profile 'end on' view of the scapula
- ideal projection to assess displacement of scapula fractures
Modified trauma projections
supine lateral
- modified lateral projection often utilized in trauma imaging where the patient can roll onto a sponge
- cannot be used in trauma patients on spinal precautions
modified transthoracic supine lateral
- modified lateral projection often utilized in trauma imaging when the patient cannot move from the supine position
- involves no patient movement
supine axial view (inferosuperior)
- modified axial projection for supine patients
- demonstrated the articular surfaces of the glenoid and humerus
- orthogonal view to the AP view
Additional projections
- coracoid view
- specialized view of the coracoid, rarely performed in modern radiographic departments