Translation-rotation spine injury

Last revised by Rohit Sharma on 12 Dec 2024

Translation-rotation spine injuries are severe injuries characterized by horizontal displacement or rotation of one vertebral body with respect to another.

These injuries result from torsional and shear forces ref. They are usually severe injuries and involve the posterior ligamentous complex (PLC) ref.

The following characterizes translation-rotation spine injuries ref:

  • unilateral or bilateral perched or dislocated facet joints

  • vertebral body subluxation/translation or rotation

  • posterior ligamentous complex injuries

    • splaying of the spinous processes with widening of the interspinous space

    • avulsion fractures of the superior or inferior aspects of contiguous spinous processes

  • common additional findings include transverse process and rib fractures

Translational injuries are best seen on lateral radiographs or sagittal CT/MRI, while the mediolateral instability is best seen on coronal images ref.

Using the thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score (TLICS), results in 3 points for the morphology and 3 points for the PLC, making a total of 6 points, which indicates a need for surgical stabilization.

Cases and figures

  • Case 1
  • Case 2: cervical spine

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