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Radiopaedia Blog

9th Aug 2020 22:06 UTC

Operation Zombie

Operation Zombie was an editorial project that ran from late 2019 to mid-2020. It was aimed at fixing as many "dead" links as possible. Over 2500 users tried to access content on Radiopaedia that simply was not available and we wanted to fix it.

Around 117 new articles were created. The top missing articles created include:

and there was some surprising basic content missing. For example:

An additional 79 dead links redirected to existing articles or removed (e.g. incorrect terminology, incorrect linking URL). 

A team of 14 editors contributed to this project and our thanks go to:

  • Amanda Er, radiographer, Singapore
  • Andrew Murphy, radiographer, Australia
  • Dr Balint Botz, radiologist, Hungary
  • Associate Professor Craig Hacking, radiologist, Australia
  • Dr Dan Bell, radiologist, United Kingdom
  • Dr Edgar Lorente, radiologist, Spain
  • Associate Professor Frank Gaillard, radiologist, Australia
  • Dr Rohit Sharma, medical registrar, Australia
  • Dr Joachim Feger, radiologist, Germany
  • Dr Jeremy Jones, radiologist, United Kingdom
  • Dr Magdalena Chmiel-Nowak, radiologist, Poland
  • Dr Matthew Morgan, radiologist, United States of America
  • Dr Tom Foster, radiology specialty trainee, United Kingdom
Henry Knipe on
Dr Henry Knipe is Radiopaedia's editorial director and is a general radiologist based in Melbourne, Australia. 

As part of Radiopaedia 2020 we are running a Case of the Day competition. 

Each day during our virtual conference (June 22-25) we will showcase a case and one of our editors will provide a video commentary to the case. 

Just think of how amazing it will be to have your case seen by thousands and thousands of folk from around the world! The fame! The glory!

Each selected case will receive a 12-month All-Access Pass to our full online course library. 

If you already have an All-Access Pass, then you can either extend yours by 12 months or give it to a friend or loved one; nothing says "you are my special person" like a Radiopaedia All-Access Pass, you know. 

If you've already registered for the conference, don't sweat it. Will reimburse that too. 

To make your case eligible for the radiopaedia2020 Case of the Day, simply:

  1. upload an awesome case
  2. publish the case as unlisted
  3. add the tag "radiopaedia2020" in the right-hand column of the case edit page
1. Upload your case

Submitting a case is easy, especially if you are using one of our case uploaders. If not, then you can do it the old-fashioned browser-based way. If you are not already familiar with how this works, the following learning pathway is the best way to get ready. 


2. Add the tag radiopaedia2020

Our grizzled and grumpy judges (probably Frank, a few other editors and a lot of scotch) will be going through the entries. To do that, guess what? They need to find them. Easy peasy. Just add the tag "radiopaedia2020" to your case. 


3. Publish your case as unlisted

We all like a good surprise, so don't go spoiling it by making your case public! When you are one, scroll to the bottom of the case edit page and make your case "unlisted". 

Submissions close on 8 June 2020 and the winner will be chosen in the following week. The winner will then be contacted by email, so please make sure the email listed in your profile is correct. 


If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].

1st Apr 2020 00:00 UTC

April fools 2020

Yes, it is April 1st but to tell you the truth, although we can all use a laugh, the world has enough misinformation right now. So instead of fooling you with our yearly prank case, this year we just want to let you see it and have a smile.

Our talented Matt Skalski has been busy with Photoshop and we have been crafting a silly story (as usual) to go with it. You can check out the case here.

You and I both know you probably would have fallen for it. If you want to relive the memories of years past you can see the prior eight April Fools cases here

In any case, all of us at Radiopaedia wish you all the very best during these difficult times. We’ll be here as much as we can. Keep safe and strong. 



Frank Gaillard

Founder and Editor in Chief,


The world is currently facing a challenge that is unlike any other in history. We, at Radiopaedia, feel a strong duty to support healthcare professionals around the globe as much as we can during this unprecedented time of need.

Access to quality information 

Over the last month, our volunteer editorial team and contributors have created a reference article on COVID-19 that is of outstanding quality. It is being kept constantly up to date with the latest information, from epidemiology through to detailed radiology considerations, with a large number of imaging cases available. Over 800,000 people have accessed the article so far, including those on the frontline where it is needed most.


Supporting online education

Radiopaedia has also responded to the educational impact of canceled classes and events around the world. We have applied a 25% discount across all our online courses to help support online education during this period of lockdowns and uncertainty. The discount will remain in place until at least June 30. 


Improving global affordability

We have also been motivated by recent events to revise our country tiers to allow cheaper access to our complete online course library in more countries. We now offer free all-access passes in 125 low and middle income countries with Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador and Peru having been added. Many countries have also been switched to our Tier 2 pricing (including Chile, Greece, Hungary, Saudi Arabia and more) or our Tier 3 pricing (including Brazil, China, Mexico, South Africa and more). 


Thanking the team

We'd like to say a big thank you to all our supporters, contributors and our amazing editorial team for their efforts during this period, and especially to Dr Daniel J Bell who has worked tirelessly. This kind of response would not be possible without the huge collaborative energy and spirit of volunteerism that sits at the very core of Radiopaedia. 

 - Dr Andrew Dixon, Dr Jeremy Jones & Assoc Prof Frank Gaillard 


14 individual cases of COVID-19 contributed to Radiopaedia by Dr Fabio Macori, Dr Edgar Lorente, Dr Bahman Rasuli, Dr Domenico Nicoletti, Dr Chong Keng Sang, Anton Aubanell Creus, Dr Fateme Hosseinabadi, Dr Yair Glick & Dr Ali Mashalla Åhre. and the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR)  are again collaborating on giving you all the opportunity to submit an adult brain case to ASNR 2020 Case of the Day. 

Each day during the  ASNR 58th Annual Meeting (May 30-June 4) in Las Vegas, NV, USA a case will be shown as the official Case of the Day. This has traditionally been 'invite-only', but just like last year, this year one of the cases will be chosen from cases you submit to 

In addition to one ASNR 2020 case of the day winner, we will also be showcasing a number of the best submissions as our very own 'cases of the day' on our home page and through social media. And, even better, you will be contributing to your personal case library and making even better! 


There are a number of prizes available: 


The winner gets two awesome prizes:

  1. Hotel Room: Two (2) nights at the meeting hotel, Cesars Palace (value of USD$660).

    The prize is courtesy of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). The reservation can be used at any point during the ASNR 58th Annual Meeting dates from Saturday, May 30 through Thursday, June 4. Winners must plan on attending (registering) for the ASNR Annual Meeting.

    Alternatively, you can use this prize in the next two years (59th/2021 or 60th/2022 ASNR Annual Meetings). The prize is not, however, transferable. 

    Any questions, please contact Erica Kruse, at the ASNR office, 630-574-0220, Ext. 228 or email [email protected].  

  2. 12-month all-access pass to Radiopaedia's online courses valued at USD$480.  

The editorial team will be selecting a runner-up who will receive a 12-month all-access pass to Radiopaedia's online courses valued at USD$480.  

Previous year's cases

Have a look at the prior winners and notable mentions:

Submitting a case

To make your case eligible for the ASNR 2020 Case of the Day, simply:

  1. upload an awesome Adult Brain Case (see below)
  2. add the tag "ASNR2020" in the right-hand column of the case edit page

Please make sure that your case is fully fleshed out (see our case publishing guidelines

Submitting a case is easy, especially if you are using one of our case uploaders. If not, then you can do it the old-fashioned browser-based way. If you are not already familiar with how this works, the following learning pathway is the best way to get ready. 

How to create cases 


Submissions close on February 15th 2020, and the winner will be chosen by ASNR committee in the following couple of weeks. The winner will then be contacted by email, so please make sure the email listed in your profile is correct. 


The winner will then be asked to take a few choice images from their case and make a two-slide powerpoint poster (Question/Answer) which will be shown at the actual conference. This is not an onerous task, and the template will be provided to you. Here is an example. 


If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].

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