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Radiopaedia Blog

Over the years, the number of things you can do on Radiopaedia has increased. You can collect cases, contribute to articles, collate playlists, mark cases and articles as favorites, watch or attend our courses. You need to also have access to a bunch of account settings. These used to be scattered all over the place. Well no more. 

Now everything that pertains to your presence of Radiopaedia is in one place. Your new and improved profile page!

In addition to this, we have also taken this opportunity to launch achievements. These are a way of recognizing the contribution a user, including you, has made to the site. These badges are shown on your public profile. You level-up as you contribute to the site in a variety of ways. 

And lastly, and this is especially important to all you who have hundreds of cases, playlists and favorites, you can now search and filter just your own collection. 

I hope you enjoy using these new features as much as we have enjoyed creating them for you. 




Associate Professor Frank Gaillard is the Founder and Editor in Chief of He is also an academic neuroradiologist and Director of Research in the Radiology Department of the Royal Melbourne Hospital/University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia.

11th Feb 2018 20:47 UTC

Goodbye iOS app

Almost 10 years ago I coded up the first Radiopaedia iOS app. Since then we have had a few different version and a small but useful amount of content. One of the reasons for its existence was that at the time the website was horrible to use on mobile devices. Since then, we have spent a significant amount of effort in improving the mobile version of the app and have created new ways for users to curate and share cases. 

It is, therefore, time to say goodbye to the Radiopaedia iOS app. 

Update 1: The app has been removed from the App Store (late March 2018)

Update 2: We will be making all the previously available iOS packs available as free playlists here on Radiopaedia. See iOS case packs.

I wanted to thank all of you for your patronage. The small proceeds from the sale of the case packs have helped pay for the continued development of the site.



Associate Professor Frank Gaillard is the Founder and Editor in Chief of He is also an academic neuroradiologist and Director of Research in the Radiology Department of the Royal Melbourne Hospital/University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia. and the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR)  are again collaborating on giving you all the opportunity to submit an adult brain case to ASNR 2018 Case of the Day. 

Each day during the  ASNR 56th Annual Meeting (June 2 - 7) in Vancouver, BC, Canada a case will be shown as the official Case of the Day. This has traditionally been 'invite only', but just like last year, this year one of the cases will be chosen from cases you submit to 

In addition to one ASNR 2018 case of the day winner, we will also be showcasing a number of the best submissions as our very own 'cases of the day' on our home page and through social media. And, even better, you will be contributing to your personal case library and making even better! 


There are a number of prizes available: 


The winner gets two awesome prizes:

  1. Standard Room for two (2) nights at the meeting venue at Fairmont Waterfront Hotel and including complimentary daily in-room WiFi and health club access (value of USD$545).

    The prize is courtesy of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). The reservation can be used at any point during the ASNR 56th Annual Meeting dates from Friday, June 1 through Thursday, June 7. If you are not planning to attend the conference, then that's ok. You will receive the prize either way, and you can, if you wish, transfer it.   

    Any questions, please contact, Ashley Boser, at ASNR office, 630-574-0220, Ext. 231 or email: [email protected].
  2. 12-month all-access pass to Radiopaedia's online courses valued at USD$480.  

The editorial team will be selecting a runner-up who will receive a 12-month all-access pass to Radiopaedia's online courses valued at USD$480.  

Submitting a case

To make your case eligible for the ASNR 2018 Case of the Day, simply:

  1. upload an awesome Adult Brain Case (see below)
  2. add the tag "ASNR2018" in the right-hand column of the case edit page

Please make sure that your case is fully fleshed out (see our case publishing guidelines

Submitting a case is easy, especially if you are using one of our case uploaders. If not, then you can do it the old-fashioned browser-based way. If you are not already familiar with how this works, this short video will help. 


Submissions close on February 28th 2018, and the winner will be chosen by ASNR committee in the following couple of weeks. The winner will then be contacted by email, so please make sure the email listed in your profile is correct. 


The winner will then be asked to take a few choice images from their case and make a two-slide powerpoint poster (Question/Answer) which will be shown at the actual conference. This is not an onerous task, and the template will be provided to you. Here is an example. 

A physical poster will also be printed from your slides (by ASNR) and shown. This will be done for you, so if you are not attending, it is not a problem.  


If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].

I'm usually fairly organized, but last week I only found out I was meant to be showing cases at the departmental meeting 25 minutes before its start. Fortunately, there's this little website called :) 

I logged in and went to the recent edits page and filtered it for new cases. Every week there are around 100 new cases uploaded, moderated and approved, so I only needed to look through a week or two to find a collection of brand new awesome cases of varying levels – something for everyone. 

I created a new private playlist and added all these cases to it – you can have a look at the playlist here – and went to the meeting. 

All I had to do was log into my account, go to the playlist (from my profile dropdown - top right of the page) and click 'play' so that the cases are presented in presentation mode which is great for teaching. 

Because I am a Radiopaedia Roentgen Supporter no ads are shown when I'm logged in, which is best for teaching and makes the page load quite a bit faster. 

At the end of the meeting, I shared (just click the 'share' button top right of playlist pages) an unguessable link to the playlist with the whole department so that those who wanted to look at the cases again or those who weren't able to attend wouldn't miss out. 

And now I can share that same playlist (now public) with the rest of the world and thank all the contributors who upload awesome cases! 


View Playlist


Associate Professor Frank Gaillard is the Founder and Editor in Chief of He is also an academic neuroradiologist and Director of Research in the Radiology Department of the Royal Melbourne Hospital/University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia.



Following on from the creation of the Rapids last year for revision of the rapid reporting section of the FRCR exam, we have now developed some material to aid with the Viva exams.  In due course, long case material will follow to complete the FRCR 2B examination profile.

Try out the VIVAS   

The material has been designed to be used by a pair of candidates revising together, but could easily be used individually. Each viva set consists of a playlist of 15 cases and an accompanying page of Examiner notes which contains a brief clinical history, suggested questions and tips to aid your Viva technique. Following completion of the set, you can review all the cases again with expanded clinical information and explanatory notes.

Whilst the primary focus is for the FRCR (UK) examination, the material is suitable for any radiology viva exam. We welcome any feedback by email or in the comments below!

Over time our ambition is to expand the number of viva examinations available for use.


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