Radiopaedia 2024 Update: The 5 day live event has concluded and registration is now closed. Please visit our ALL-ACCESS PASS PAGE for late access information.

Radiopaedia Blog and the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR)  are again collaborating on giving you all the opportunity to submit an adult brain case to ASNR 2022 Case of the Day. 

Each day during the  ASNR 60th Annual Meeting (May 16-18, 2022), a case will be shown as the official Case of the Day. This had traditionally been 'invite-only', but for a number of years, one of the cases will be chosen from cases you submit to 

In addition to one ASNR 2022 case of the day winner, we will also be showcasing a number of the best submissions as our very own 'cases of the day' on our home page and through social media. And, as if that wasn't enough, you will be contributing to your personal case library and making even better! 


There are a number of prizes available: 


The winner gets two prizes:

  1. ASNR22 Waived Virtual Pass (value of USD$895). This registration fee includes online live broadcast of all plenary and keynote sessions for the entire event, plus all sessions on-demand after the conference. The prize is courtesy of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). The prize is not transferable or able to be postponed to a future meeting.

    If you have any questions, please contact Erica Kruse, ASNR Director of Education, 630-574-0220, Ext. 229 or email [email protected]

  2. 12-month all-access pass to Radiopaedia's online courses valued at USD$490.  

The editorial team will be selecting a runner-up who will receive a 12-month all-access pass to Radiopaedia's online courses valued at USD$490.  

Previous year's cases

Have a look at the prior winners and notable mentions:

Submitting a case

To make your case eligible for the ASNR 2022 Case of the Day, simply:

  1. upload an awesome Adult Brain Case (see below)
  2. add the tag "ASNR2022" in the right-hand column of the case edit page 

Please make sure that your case is fully fleshed out (see our case publishing guidelines

Submitting a case is easy, especially if you can access the DICOM file. It will be anonymized for you. Just click here to create a new case.  If you are not already familiar with how this works, the following learning pathway is the best way to get ready. 

How to create cases 


Submissions close on Monday, March 21, 2022, and the winner will be chosen by the ASNR committee in the following couple of weeks. The winner will then be contacted by email, so please make sure the email listed in your profile is correct. 


The winning case will then be adapted by ASNR conveyors into one or more slides. You, our dear contributor, will not be required to do anything. 


If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].

2nd Feb 2022 08:53 UTC

Project angles

Projects angles was a review of Radiopaedia's foot and ankle measurements, inspired by this fantastic article (sorry, paywall) by Lau et al published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

Over a space of four weeks in January/February 2022:

The team consisted of (in alphabetical order):

  • Andrew Murphy, radiographer, Australia
  • Amanda Er, radiographer, Singapore
  • Dr Calum Worsley, radiology registrar, Scotland
  • Dr Jeremy Jones, radiologist, Scotland
  • Dr Joachim Feger, radiologist, Germany
  • Dr Henry Knipe, radiologist, United Kingdom
  • Dr Pir Abdul Ahad Aziz Qureshi, radiologist, Pakistan

10th Nov 2021 09:00 UTC

Operation weeds

Operation Weeds was a massive, and largest, editorial project ever undertaken by our editorial board targeted at cleaning up many of the earliest-uploaded cases, particularly those with missing findings or content in the now-deprecated "series specific findings". 

It involved the entire editorial board trawling through over ten thousand cases to remove series specific findings and edit cases to ensure they were in line with the style guide. Additionally, many cases that were no longer considered acceptable under our current standards were either deleted, pushed back to draft/made unlisted or labeled as a 'legacy case'.

The project commenced in March 2018 and finished in November 2021. 

The timeline of Operation Weeds over the 44 months it took to complete.

It is impossible to quantify the sheer amount of hours the entire editorial board spent on this project, so much has changed in everyone's lives yet this project kept humming along. 

Now series specific findings are removed, Radiopaedia's developers can clean up a portion of obsolete code from the site (they are very excited to remove code!) and spend more time improving the way we interact with cases. 

Operation weeds

  • 44 months
  • every member of the editorial board
  • 10,277 cases cleaned up
  • many friendships made along the way

2nd Sep 2021 07:16 UTC

Operation Fixation

Operation fixation was an editorial project that ran from July-August 2021. It was the first editorial project to be run on the Discord server. When I uploaded this case:

Failed posterior instrumented lumbar fusion (rID: 89283)

After realizing our Reference Articles on spinal fixation was incomplete, a list of common surgical procedures was completed and the project was launched and a team assembled on Discord of (in alphabetical order):

  • Dr Joachim Feger, radiologist, Germany
  • Dr Jeremy Jones, radiologist, Scotland
  • Dr Henry Knipe, radiologist, England
  • Dr Fabio Macori, radiologist, Italy
  • Faiyaz Rahman, medical student, Australia

We went to work and created 29 new articles and updated 8 existing articles. This is a fantastic result having developed a little but important corner of Radiopaedia. Also, the first project run on Discord was a great success and after the project, Dr Fabio Macori was appointed subeditor and Faiyaz Rahman appointed student editor on our editorial board. 

Click here to join the Radiopaedia community on Discord.

19th Aug 2021 20:05 UTC

Radiographics update initiative

The Radiographics update initiative was an editorial project that ran from September 2018 to July 2021. Radiographics is one of the best-known radiology journals with a focus on high-quality review and educational articles and it is this quality that attracted our editors to use it as a springboard to ensure that Radiopaedia remained relevant and up-to-date. 

This project was led by Dr Matthew Morgan and had over a dozen editors involved. Over the course almost three years

  • 79 new articles were created
  • 322 articles were updated
  • 34 multiple-choice questions were written

Like the sun sets, all editorial projects eventually wind down. Keep an eye out for a new review-style project set to be launching soon!

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